Our School

Central Elementary School continues to offer its students a quality education and prides itself on rigorous academic programs and high standards. The staff at Central School is highly qualified and strives to create a caring and compassionate culture within a progressive, committed, and highly focused environment. Administrators and staff work collaboratively to ensure that each child reaches his/her maximum potential in an optimal learning atmosphere. Our ongoing commitment focuses on fostering an appreciation for education and an eagerness to acquire knowledge, resulting in lifelong learners and productive members of society.

All students receive instruction through a diversified curriculum, including special areas such as the Enrichment Services Program, World Language, Technology, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Library, Art, and Physical Education.

Central School's staff and students participate in a number of initiatives designed to support the curriculum and to address the school's identified pupil performance objectives. Our school-wide goals in Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) focus on raising academic standards and achievement levels for all students in Grades 3 - 5. The ELA initiative includes a writing plan specifically focusing on a variety of writing genres and charting consistent growth using formal and informal assessment measurements based on the Common Core State Standards. In conjunction with a comprehensive writing program, teachers employ a balanced literacy approach to reading instruction by utilizing various instructional resources. In the area of math, instruction focuses on strengthening specific skill areas while incorporating higher level thinking skills and problem solving.

Ongoing analysis of standardized scores, formal, and informal assessments provide valuable information in identifying areas of strength and weakness as we move forward in the 2015 -2016 school year. Our general education population continues to demonstrate improvement and successes, mastering age and grade appropriate skills. With regard to our students with special needs, strategic interventions have been set forth with a specific focus on English Language Arts and Math to assist staff in the process of continuous growth for our students with disabilities.

In a continued effort to raise achievement levels and to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary college and career readiness skills for success, we incorporate the use of technology to support our instructional approach. Technological assimilation includes an increase in Chromebook carts, document cameras and wireless laptop carts, all of which are integrated into instructional programs and provide students with the opportunity to enhance their technological abilities. Additionally, computer education for all students incorporates exposure to a multitude of educational web-based programs and projects. We continue to utilize technology to enhance the learning process and facilitate a strong home/school connection.

Thanks to the strong involvement and ongoing commitment of our Parent/Teacher Association, the student body participates in grade-level cultural arts residency programs focusing on multi-cultural folk dancing, designing and painting a mural, and a musical global study which promotes a greater appreciation and awareness of world cultures that utilize music as a voice for unity. Through the support and generous contributions of the P.T.A., Central School not only benefits from the aforementioned programs, but also from other noteworthy donations.

Central School also prides itself on our Enrichment Services Program, which includes whole class and interest based enrichment. Pull-out programs assist students who demonstrate advanced proficiency in Math, English Language Arts Literacy and other areas. Each third grade student and selected fourth and fifth grade students participate in one or more of the programs. This is achieved through Math and Reading Pull-out Enrichment Programs (PEP), Mad Scientists, Author Author, Logic, Debate, The Main Idea, and Grades 4 & 5 school performances; these classes offer a multitude of opportunities to hone students' areas of strength.

The staff at Central School is committed to professional growth. Teachers participate in ongoing professional development provided by the district and/or attend workshops focusing on best practices and current research in curriculum, instruction, technology, and assessment.

We at Central School are dedicated to providing an environment for our students that is safe, nurturing, employs best practices, and instills a desire for lifelong learning.