About EHA

East Haven Academy

67 Hudson Street,  East Haven, CT 06512

PHONE: (203) 468-3219

FAX: (203) 468-3299



The school day begins at 8:05 a.m. and ends at 2:50 p.m. The warning bell will ring at 8:00 am. School begins at 8:05 a.m., which means students must be in the classroom when the bell rings. A student is considered tardy if they arrive to their classroom after the bell. All students and visitors will need to enter our school through the doors in front of the auditorium, directly between East Haven Academy and Joseph Melillo Middle School. All students who arrive late to school will need to enter our school at this location, with a parent, where security personnel will sign you in. All visitors coming into our building (pre-arranged only) will also enter at this location and obtain a visitor’s badge, which must be worn for the entirety of your visit. You will be escorted to our building by security personnel. This is in compliance with our district-wide safety policy.


Parents must enter the back parking lot on the side of the school between EHA and the ice rink. Parents, please follow the one-way traffic pattern to drop off their child. Please do not park your car in the traffic line and wait for your child to enter the building. As we need to keep the loop of cars moving to get all children in safely and on time. Please drive slowly! The back door will be closed at 8:00 each morning. After that, students are considered late and parents MUST sign their child in at the security office as stated above.


If your child is to be picked up by someone other than his/her usual escort, the school must be notified in writing indicating who will be picking up your child. Only in emergency situations will a child be dismissed without a note if the school is notified by phone. The person picking up the child must have ID. FOR SAFETY PURPOSES, PARENTS AND GUARDIANS ARE NOT TO BYPASS THIS POLICY. Please make sure to return the authorized pick up list. Please DO NOT call the school after 2:30 to change transportation. It is too confusing at the end of the school day. Students that are daily pickups will be given 2 placards for their car window. This is to make dismissal easier. Please be sure to have these placards with you at all dismissals. Teachers will escort students to their cars. Please do not park and get out of your car, your child will be brought to you. If a parent is picking up a child early, please report to the security station as noted above to sign your child out. Please send a note in or call (before 2:30) prior to picking up your child so we are aware of the early pick up.


Please check the school calendar, newsletter, and Connect Ed emails or calls for early dismissal days.

On these days, students are dismissed at 12:35 p.m. (Please note: for weather related early dismissals, students are dismissed at 12:05) Lunch will be served on these days unless otherwise notified.


Bus transportation is provided by the town of East Haven who reserves the right to add, delete, and amend bus schedules according to the Transportation Policy of the East Haven Board of Education. Once bus schedules are posted, absolutely NO CHANGES will be made for the first 2 weeks of school. After that, changes will be made on a case by case basis. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO RIDE ANY BUS OTHER THAN THE ONE ASSIGNED. IF A PARENT IS NOT HOME TO RECEIVE THEIR CHILD, THE BUS COMPANY WILL RETURN THE CHILD TO THE SCHOOL AS A SAFETY PRECAUTION. Written requests for any changes must be submitted to the office in the morning. Students are expected to maintain appropriate conduct when on the bus and, if necessary, will be assigned specific seats on the bus or have their bus privileges revoked if they do not adhere to bus rules.


We thank you in advance for your support and cooperation in helping us maintain the positive outcomes of our dress code policy. To meet the Academy’s dress code, all students must have at least one white polo shirt and khaki docker style pants. These items will be worn on field trips and special school-wide events. Please note that clothing items with the East Haven Academy logo are strongly encouraged and suggested, but not required. All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students may wear a green or yellow tee-shirt for gym. Field Day t-shirts that were distributed to students for our 2022 end-of-year events can also be worn on gym days. Otherwise solid blue, khaki, maroon or white sweats in accordance with the district policy.

Additional options include:

• Any item with the East Haven Academy logo can be purchased through Blake Uniform Company or at our building Thrift Store.

• Plain Navy, burgundy, white or black polo shirts or tee-shirts. (short or long sleeved). Layering of shirts other than these colors are NOT acceptable.

• Plain khaki, navy, burgundy, or black pants (capri pants, pedal pushers or walking shorts are also acceptable). Jeans and/or jeggings are permitted as long as they are not ripped or torn. Length of skirts and shorts no higher than 2” above the kneecap. (Please note that any type of sagging pants are NOT acceptable.)

• All shoes must be flat and close-toed. Sandals or open back/toe shoes are NOT acceptable. These include Crocs. These shoes are a safety hazard if there were an emergency evacuation and if involved in physical activities or recess. Sneakers or rubber-soled shoes are encouraged.

• Hooded sweatshirts are permitted, as long as they are one solid color of navy, burgundy, white or black and without any other type of print, writing, or logo. Hoods may not be up during the school day.

• Hats are not to be worn during the school day unless otherwise communicated as part of a fundraiser or school wide event.

Students will be given one warning if the dress code colors and parameters are not followed as stated above. If a student is not in compliance with the dress code after one warning, the student must call home for a change of clothes.


EHA has a well-stocked Thrift Shop where parents can purchase gently-worn dress code items and spirit-wear that include our school logo for $2.00 per item. Please call the school at any time throughout the school year if you would like to visit our Thrift Shop.