A Math Look™ Dyscalculia Remediation Program
10 Digits
Patterns to 10
Trade 10
Model with Money
Remedial Training
Goal: The goal of dyscalculia therapy, is to turn a victim of dyscalculia into a powerful master of the language of mathematics, fluid in logical reasoning, problem-solving, and the efficient decoding, translation, processing, and encoding of quantitative information.
Dyscalculia.org offers training for teachers, administrators, parents, and individuals.
(Live or Live Online)
Guaranteed learning outcomes. 6-10 session minimum
Homeschool Advising Program (monthly fee)
Dyscalculia.org's A Math Look Therapy Essentials: materials ($130), sessions ($225/ 1x week)
How it Works
With each session, students demonstrate mastery of new concepts and skills.
A Math Look™ Kit ($130) contains manipulatives for modeling large and small numbers (wholes and fractions).
Write-wipe Decimal Place Value Chart covering 100 Quadrillion to 100-Quadrillionth.
Realistic $ Stack includes 200 US bills, 10 each of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $1,000, $10,000, $100,000, $1 Million, $10 Million, $100 Million, $1 Billion, $10 Billion, $100 Billion, $1 Trillion, $10 Trillion, $100 Trillion, $1 Quadrillion.
Instant gratification provides motivation and momentum.
Students quickly experience success, which is a foundation for deep understanding and rapid learning.
There is no emphasis on memorization.
Students experience to understand and remember.
Students quickly gain confidence in their ability to interpret and process quantitative information.
Parents are trained with their student when possible.
Students are required to practice new skills by producing documentary demonstrations of understanding, which become learning assets.
We start with the concrete and develop fluency in the oral language that describes what we are doing when modeling with bills and coins and discovering relationships with the chart. In human development, we develop speech before the ability to write. After we can fluently discuss ideas and demonstrate them, then we can move to write about them using symbolic math language.
Ultimately, students develop the ability to see the math symbols and associate concrete meaning to them because they have modeled numbers and relationships and have experience translating math symbols into words, and then can combine verbal reasoning and visual reasoning to process quantitative information and solve problems.
When operating at the first stages (verbal and demonstrative), students quickly gain understanding, skill, and confidence.
Students are initially intimidated by math symbols and equations. Modeling numbers and relationships is easy with money and the chart.
When translating the real to symbolic expressions and equations, the dyscalculic enters a fuzzy abstract mental math area. Cognitive load increases, processing slows, and the student makes more errors in thinking, speaking, and writing.
The model serves as a reference for the ideas being translated into math language and equations.
Equations are complete sentences containing digits that represent ideas, operational symbols that represent action [-, +, ÷ , x], and an = sign.
Writing in math language will be clunkier than just using the money and chart alone.
Anticipate more difficulty when transitioning to the written stage.
Anticipate brain glitches, and allow students to restate or rewrite until both words and symbols match the ideas being expressed.
Accuracy and the ability to integrate doing, describing, and writing in math language, will improve with practice and the student's teaching the process to others.
Training Scope
10 digits, instantly recognizable patterns - combining visual patterns to add, subtract, multiply, & divide mentally
Decimal System - pattern of trading 10s
10 digits, decimal place value repeating patterns (1, 10, 100)
Decimal encoding and decoding: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, conversions, equivalency
Fractions: patterns, units, relationships, decimals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, conversion and equivalencies, language fluency, mental reasoning, problem-solving with coins and money
Place Value with Money: 100 quadrillion to 1/1000 (one-thousandth)
Realistic Money Set: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $1,000, $10,000, $100,000, $1 Million, $10 M, $100 M, $1 Billion, $10 G, $100 G, $1 Trillion, $10 T, $100 T, $1 Quadrillion. [10 of each denomination - 20 different bills - 200 bills - $70.]
Language-enhanced place value chart by Dyscalculia.org - $65.
Experience and understand numbers from
100-Quadrillion (Peta-) to 100-Quadrillionth (femto-)
Color-coded, with words, prefixes, International Symbol (SI), SI prefix, powers of 10, prime factorization, conversions and equivalencies, and relationships.
Language-enhanced teaching money - $40. (Monopoly $ style): 1-quadrillion to 1/1000 (one-thousandth) order
Interpreting quantity in various forms: numbers, words (spoken and written), implied, visual.
Assessing quantitative information: decoding, facts, extraneous, interpretation, processing, encoding.
Performing unit conversions using language and place value, without formulas or arithmetic.
Scientific Notation - exponents
Using expanded notation for problem-solving
Experience to learn, teach to remember.
In a few sessions, the student will be able to count to 100-quadrillion and will be able to interpret and encode very large (peta-, tera-, giga-, mega-, kilo-, mill-, hecto-, cent-, deca-) and very small numbers (deci-, centi-, milli-, micro-, nano-, pico-, femto-).
Math Language Fluency is the ability to understand and decode and encode numbers in the news, school, in science, and in everyday life (mills in property taxes, "a .7 mill tax hike", discounts, interest, taxes, penalties, debit, credit, rate, percentage, point 5, 1.2 million, fractions). Language fluency is very powerful and is the foundation for independent learning.
Students will be able to express numbers in many ways: Words, Units, Standard Notation, Scientific Notation, Prime Factorization, Decimal Numbers, International Symbol, International Prefixes, Expanded Notation, Modeled with Money, Equivalent, Equations, Fractions, and Percentages.
Fractions. Students will express fractions in many ways: coins, fractions (improper, simplified, reduced, equivalent), percentages, words, decimal numbers, and mixed numbers.
Problem-solving. Students will fluently convert units, add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers, regardless of size, by modeling with money and using the chart, and will be able to describe the process with words and translate the process into written math language.
Example: The student will be able to understand the meaning of and will be able to write the number in this headline: "The asteroid contains diamonds worth 26.784 quadrillion dollars."
Our sessions do not cover algebra, per se, but cover foundational concepts that form a framework for higher learning.
New confidence and skills.
If interested in remedial training, call or text 1+ (313) 300-1901 or email.
Dyscalculia.org's Math Language Place Value Chart
desk chart - $50.
2' x 7' classroom banner - $115.
Teaching Money (realistic) - $60. - 200 bills, 20 denominations: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $1,000, $10 k , $100 k, $1 Million, $10 M, $100 M, $1 Billion, $10 G, $100 G, $1 Trillion, $10 T, $100 T, $1 Quadrillion
Coins - gather 50-cent pieces (3); quarters (6), dimes (15), nickels (25), and pennies (110).
Color markers: Vis-a-Vis markers for chart, erasable bold color gel or color ink pens for paper, or color chalk markers for glass black board, or color chalk for chalkboard.
Glass blackboard (magnetic), or chalk board (optional).
Tablet with a pen and a note-taking app like Notability and Joy Doodle or Kid's Doodle App (recommended)
Graph Paper (optional)
Graph paper-raised line - Ream (optional)
Blue Raised-line graph paper (optional)
Working memory
Retention (long-term memory)
Visual memory
Visual-spatial perception, processing, reasoning, and memory
Visual-spatial-directional-sequential perception, processing, and memory
Sequential memory
Procedural memory
Retrieval (access to memory)
Sensory-motor integration
Muscle memory (ex. finger agnosia)
Number sense (conical patterns, subitizing, correspondence)
Mental quantitative reasoning
Place value understanding
Math Language fluency
Automaticity with language, symbols, relationships, combinations, and "facts."