Parent Report
A Parent Report is a report of a student prepared by the parent for presentation at the Individual Education Planning Committee Meeting (IEPT). The Parent is an important part of the MET (Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team) that meets to discuss the student's strengths, weaknesses, present level of academic performance, eligibility for special education services, evaluations needed, interventions, educational and other goals and objectives and a plan to accomplish them.
Author: Renee M. Newman Copyright 2010 All rights reserved.
Parent Report for Kindergarten Student* *IEP Amendment
DOB: 09/17/2004 | Age: 5-8 | 68 Months | Grade: K-9 | Any USA Elementary
Any USA Public School ID: 123456789
May 30, 2010
Parents: Anna and Adam Goodparent
12345 Main Street, Anytown, Anystate USA
Data Source Key:
1 (Dr. Dyslexia Expert); 2 (Dr. Pediatrician); 3 (Dr. Ed Psychologist); 4 (Dr. School Psychologist)
Table of Contents
I. SPED Classifications 1
II. Strengths 2
III. Diagnosed Problems 2
IV. Identification of Deficits 3-5
-1. Dyslexia 3
-2. Skill Deficiencies in School Months (Graph) 3
-3. Skill Scores and Gaps in Percentages (Graph) 4
-4. Skill Age Equivalents in Months (Graph) 5
V. Goals and Objectives 6, 7
VI. Extended School Year 7
VII. Assistive Technology 8
VIII. Accommodations 8
IX. Parent Complaints: System Defaults and Abuses 9
(1) Specific Learning Disability in Reading(3) AKA Dyslexia(2).
(2) Other Health Impairment:
(a) Cerebellar-Vestibular Dysfunction(1)
(b) ADHD (1)(2)
(c) Sensory-Motor Integration Disorder AKA
Dysgraphia: handwriting and drawing immature (1).
(d) Ocular symptoms: blurring, double vision, headaches, fatigue, photophobia,
perseveration, memory instability, distraction, concentration problems (1).
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(1) Advanced verbal ability (vocabulary and lexical reasoning) and general knowledge,
comprehension. and conversation. Average fluid reasoning(3).
(2) Normal cerebral function (1).
(3) Normal positional testing in standard and Romberg leads; Optokinetic and gaze testing
were normal(1).
(4) Normal 3D auditory processing speed (1)
(5) Bilateral normal Pure Tone Audiometry (1).
(6) Superior perceptual speed and ability to rapidly scan and compare visual symbols, and
average processing speed while by performing simple and automatic cognitive tasks
rapidly while focusing attention(3).
(7) Average decision speed and retrieval fluency(3).
(8) High average listening comprehension using semantic and syntactic cues to
comprehend oral discourse(3).
1. Auditory Processing Disorder: Difficulty synthesizing and discriminating speech
sounds- age-equivalent score 3-7(3); Speech borderline articulation problems; memory
input delay for words and thoughts(1); sound discrimination affecting blending, rhyming,
and syllable discrimination is age EQ: 2-7(3); inability to associate speech sounds to
letters(3); lack of phonological awareness(3); Below age EQ of 2 in Visual-Auditory
Learning- the ability to learn, store & retrieve series of visual-auditory associations(3).
2. Visual-Motor Perception Deficits: severely abnormal copying and figure drawing(1);
Dysgraphia- immature drawing and handwriting(1); severe difficulty perceiving,
analyzing, synthesizing, and thinking with visual patterns, including storage and
retrieval of visual representations(3); forethought and planning for problem solving is
level 3 years, 0 months(3); deficient in early reasoning skills: matching, similarities,
differences, categorizing(3); Gross Motor In-coordination affects running, skipping,
catching, throwing, tripping, falling, bumping into things(1).
3. Dyslexia (secondary)- letter reversals(1); very limited short-term memory capacity(3);
much difficulty retaining immediate instruction and manipulating such(3); severe
difficulty with long-term storage and fluid retrieval of information(3); limited rapid
picture naming(3).
4. Cerebellar-Vestibular Dysfunction (primary): coarse tracking, dysdiachokenisis;
Romberg instability, finger sequencing/coordination difficulty; tandem instability;
dysrythmic rotation both clockwise and counterclockwise; abnormal performance on
horizontal saccade and pursuit(1).
5. ADHD (secondary)- impulsive, hyperactive, disorganized, concentration problems(1)(2).
6. Seasonal Allergies – treated.
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-Responds too quickly to test questions(3).
-Cannot identify the most simple Dolch (sight) words(3).
-Confuses b and d(3).
-Unaware of short vowel sound-symbol correspondence(3).
-Lacks understanding of syllables and syllable types(3).
-Unable to discriminate, identify, and create rhyming words(3).
-Unable to isolate beginning word sound & identify same beginning in another word(3).
-Sensory overloading(1).
-Difficulty processing information rapidly(1).
-Difficulty integrating and recalling information easily(1).
CHARTS: The charts on this page & the next two pages, dramatically show Student's
achievement are stacked from strongest skill to weakest skill.
These graphs clearly illustrate Student's severe skill gaps.
Kindergarten Student | Teacher Consultant | Skill Deficiencies in School Months (Graph)
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Kindergarten Student | Skill Scores and Gaps in Percentages (Graph)
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Kindergarten Student | Skill Age Equivalents in Months (Graph)
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If Student does not master basic skills now, she is very unlikely to succeed in elementary
and high school and is unlikely to acquire the necessary skills to earn a good living and
thrive as an independent, self-sufficient member of the community.
When Student learns to read, write, think mathematically, plan, organize and navigate, she
will be a life-long independent learner.
A. For all goals and objectives here listed, weekly progress will be measured by the provider
and logged. A Communication Notebook will accompany the child throughout the day and
will contain daily provider-parent communication. Monthly progress reports will be prepared
by providers and discussed with parents. Quarterly progress reports will coincide with report
cards. Standardized testing- repeated every 6 months- will compare scores reported by the
IEPT on 5/12/10.
Proficiency is defined as a score over 85% or Age Equivalence or Grade Level Equivalence.
1. Student will acquire grade-level reading, penmanship, writing and spelling skills.
(a) Student will proficiently discriminate and synthesize speech sounds.
(b) Student will acquire alphabetic phonological knowledge (sound-symbol correspondence)
1) vowels; 2) consonants; 3) blends; 4) digraphs
(c) Student will acquire proficiency in knowledge of the 7 basic syllable types:
1) open; 2) closed; 3) magic-e; 4) vowel team; 5) r-control; 6) diphthong; 7) endings
(d) Student will acquire proficiency with blending phonemes into words.
(e) Student will acquire mechanical proficiency and automaticity in penmanship.
1) efficient formation of letters, numbers and symbols.
(f) Student will acquire writing proficiency: 1) ability to write words; 3) ability to string
words into complete sentences; 4) proficient punctuation; 5) proficient grammar.
(g) Student will acquire reading and spelling proficiency of diphthongs.
(h) Student will acquire reading and spelling proficiency with basic spelling rules.
(i) Student will acquire reading and spelling proficiency with First Grade Sight Words.
Means: Student will receive direct language therapy from a trained dyslexia instructor
practiced in remediation of dyslexic difficulties with reading, penmanship, and spelling.
Instruction will be structured, individualized, daily, 1:1 to 1:3, multi-sensory and
kinesthetic-tactile (preferably using the proven Orton-Gillingham method or Fast ForWord
Software). Regular instruction during the summer is necessary in order for Student to
benefit from instruction in a regular First Grade classroom.
2. Student will acquire age-level memory and retrieval skills:
(a) Student will develop an efficient working memory.
(b) Student will develop an efficient short-term memory.
(c) Student will develop efficiency with long-term memory storage and retrieval.
Means: Regular, intensive utilization of Fast ForWord Dyslexia program and Orton-Gillingham therapy, in addition to Dr. Dyslexia Expert's treatment.
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3. Student will develop age-level visual-spatial and gross-motor coordination skills:
(a) Student will achieve normal copying and figure drawing proficiency.
(b) Student will automatically and efficiently form letters and numbers.
(c) Student will efficiently perceive, analyze, synthesize, and think with visual patterns.
(d) Student will efficiently store and retrieve visual representations.
(e) Student will effectively use forethought and planning for problem solving.
(f) Student will reason efficiently using matching, similarities, differences, & categorizing.
(g) Student will effectively run, skip, catch, throw, walk and navigate.
Means: Dr. Dyslexia Expert's treatment; regular Orton-Gillingham language therapy for
dyslexia, penmanship and writing; Regular Occupational Therapy services to remedy
hand-eye coordination, tracking, gait, navigation, running, skipping, throwing, and
catching; Consistent participation in gymnastics classes to improve body awareness,
balance, coordination and motor timing.
4. Student will develop age-level auditory processing skills:
(a) Student will efficiently synthesize and discriminate speech sounds.
(b) Student will articulate effectively and exhibit speech fluency for words and thoughts.
(c) Student will achieve facility with blending, rhyming, and syllable discrimination.
(d) Student will exhibit phonological awareness at a First Grade level.
(e) Student will efficiently learn, store and retrieve series of visual-auditory associations.
Means: Immediate and sustained regular participation in the proven Fast ForWord
auditory-processing and dyslexia remediation program, commencing before the end of
the school year and continuing through the summer and during the 2010-11 school year.
5. Student will achieve age-level Cerebellar-Vestibular functioning:
(a) Student will track visual information efficiently.
(b) Student will no longer exhibit dysdiachokenisis.
(c) Student will no longer exhibit Romberg instability.
(d) Student will exhibit facility with finger sequencing and coordination.
(e) Student will no longer experience tandem instability.
(f) Student will no longer experience dysrythmic rotation both clockwise &
(g) Student will exhibit normal performance on horizontal saccade and pursuit.
(h) Student will exhibit self-regulation to focus, sustain attention, persevere, start and
complete work.
Means: Student will follow the medical therapy prescribed by Dr. Dyslexia Expert.
Dr. Dyslexia Expert and parents will manage treatment and report progress to Student's IEP team.
In accordance with 34 C.F.R. 300.106, Student's severe skill gaps necessitate an
extended school year in the way of the specialized services iterated in the means section
of each goal in order to make progress on her educational goals (1-5) and to acquire
prerequisite skills to benefit from and make progress in the First Grade general education
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(1) Computerized textbooks and digital content (addresses limited working memory)(1).
(2) Text to speech hardware/software that reads content aloud to student(1).
(3) Speech-to-Text conversion hardware/software that turns child's speech into text(1).
(4) Assistive writing program(1).
(5) Creative software: graphic organizers, mind mapping, writing, math(1).
Ex: KidSpiration, KidPix
(6) Substitute computerized exercises for worksheets and assignments requiring
(7) Provide direct instruction and practice to achieve mastery of any technology used.
(8) Directly teach presentation software and communication skills.
(9) Allow use of simple calculator(1).
(10) Fast ForWord: Dyslexia and Auditory Processing remedial software program.
(1) Teacher provides notes(1).
(2) Reduce hand-written work by half.
(3) Provide personal feedback on writing and other errors(1).
(4) No penalty for dyslexic errors (reversals, omissions, insertions, misspelling, etc.)(1).
(5) Allow parents or assistants to scribe for student(1).
(6) Provide oral testing with a reader(3) and scribe, in isolation, free from distractions(1).
(7) Work in short sessions, taking regular wiggle breaks(1).
(8) Allow ample extra time for tests and assignments(1).
(9) Substitute creative, hands-on activities(3) for written tests & practice exercises.
(10) Use Active Learning vs. passive learning(3).
(11) Use special lined paper for all handwriting tasks: redi-space and raised-line(1).
(12) Provide daily, direct, systematic, penmanship instruction (O.T.).
(13) Exercises to improve recognition & organization of visual stimuli (puzzle, pegboard,
dot-to-dot,matching & concentration games(3).
(14) Exercises to develop ability to discriminate & match visual features & recall them(3).
(15) Repeated exposures to visual information; isolate & chunk visual info(3).
(16) Use ruler or index cards to isolate chunks of printed information(1).
(17) Limit number of multiple-choices; strip out extraneous information(1).
(18) Provide detailed syllabus, calendar, and grading rubrics(1).
(19) Provide study guides(1).
(20) Provide instruction and practice in concrete, hands-on, multi-sensory, experiences(3).
(21) Seat close to the teacher and the board and minimize distractions(1)(3).
(22) Allow child to wear headphones w/ direct audio from teacher/media(1).
(23) Spelling word lists contain one spelling pattern for a sound (Ex. mean/team,
not mixed- mean/teen/Pete).
(24) Spelling taught by pattern not memorization; except for Sight Words (explained).
(25) Use of a transparent blue sheet over text when reading(1).
(26) Have a proctor fill out Scanton sheets and allow ruler to isolate lines of text(1).
(27) Allow extended time to read, assimilate, process and comprehend incoming
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(a) Student not caught by the Early On program in spite of a referral and cursory testing.
(b) Parents' request for evaluation for a Learning Disability was ignored by Dr. Psychologist,
who tested for Other Health Impairment instead.
(c) Initial testing by School Psychologist (3/8/10) did not identify any areas of concern!
(d) After parents demanded further testing, testing showed Specific Learning Disability in
Reading and significant skill gaps yet only the same 3 goals from the IEP on 3/8/10
appeared on the IEP dated 5/12/10. These goals are deficient in scope, detail and means.
(e) Mrs. Speech Therapist did minimal initial testing on Student on 2-19-10 for core language
and stopped, telling parents:“there is no such thing as auditory processing disorder!” (in
spite of their expressed concern about her receptive language skills.
(f) At Any School's front desk, Dr. Psychologist (2/20/10) violated confidentiality and privacy
practices by openly discussing Student's condition with Parent in front of waiting
parents and office staff. Dr. P. disclosed Student's name, services, and test
results, and left Student's documents visible on the front desk. Parent sent Dr. District
Special Ed Director a letter of complaint but received no response.
(g) Parent requested to be present during Student's testing but was told it was
impossible. Parent then requested from Dr. District Special Ed Director, permission
and documented proof that her presence would invalidate the test results. No response
was received.
(h) Dr. School Psychologist told Parent that there were NO expectations for Kindergarten and
that it was okay for Student to enter First Grade without knowing her letters, etc.
(i) IEP procedures were not followed according to rules and regulations: Student's
classification, goals and objectives were predetermined and pre-printed prior to each
IEPT meeting (3/8/10 and 5/12/10) without any parent and student input, or the
presence of Student's classroom teacher.
(j) The IEPT, without consideration of the parents or student, recommended promoting
Student to First Grade even though Student scored below the prerequisite “3” reading
(k) In a letter dated 3-12-10, Dr. District Special Ed Director stated that the district's
evaluation of Student was appropriate, even though the parents initially requested an
evaluation for specific learning disability and the district, consequently, determined only
to evaluate Student for Other Health Impairment. In the same letter, District Special Ed
Director asserted Anytown's right to test Student in other areas before paying for the
requested independent evaluation.
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