Students must have a school issued chromebook to use for all assesments.  Personal devices will not be permitted for testing. Additionally, some teachers may require that students use school issued chromebooks and not personal computers or tablets in class.

It is the responsibility of the student to make sure they bring their device to school every day and to make sure it is fully charged. There is no guarantee of a loaner chromebook for the day.

For the summer, all students in grades K - 12 should take their devices home, unless they are leaving the district or transitioning to a DPS charter school for the 2022-2023 year.

The MyTech Agreement that was part of registration covers expectations around taking devices home.

Chromebook Expectations and Responsibilities

With students having access to a district Chromebook, they are also responsible for the care and use of these devices.  There is a fee structure in place to support the repair and replacement of Chromebooks, as needed.

If a student needs a replacement device while theirs is sent in for repair, they should contact their School Tech Representative/Partner, Mr. Kimble or see him in his office in room 140F in the Library/SSC.

Helpful Tips to Ensure Proper Care of your District Chromebook

For any issues with your student’s Chromebook during the school year, please contact your school to inform them and they will work to swap out a working Chromebook.  

For any issues with your child’s Chromebook during the summer, please contact the Department of Technology Services (DoTS) Student and Family Tech Support line at 720-423-3163.

Resources for Families and Students