Welcome to our class website!

Classroom/School Information

Book-It! starts in October. The students need to read 300 minutes throughout the month (an average of 10 minutes a night) and record their reading on the sheet with a parent's signature. Reading for Book-It! will also help the students reach their AR goals for each quarter (7 points for non-band kids and 6 for band kids in the 1st quarter, 10 points non-band/8 for band for the 2nd quarter, 15 non-band/12 for band for the 3rd quarter, and 20 non-band/17 for band for the 4th quarter).

Box Tops will be collected as usual. We have forms in the classroom to glue them on. The money from the Box Tops helps teachers buy more classroom supplies. Thank you in advance for your help in collecting these Box Tops!