Projects (before 2017)

Coordination of Large National and International Projects

Roberto Baldoni works regularly as an expert for the European Commission in the definition of research programs in the following strategic objectives: critical infrastructure protection, security & dependability, e-government, software and services. Roberto Baldoni was:

• the coordinator of SM4ALL, a European IST project of middleware infrastructures for Networked Embedded Systems.

• the tecnical chair of COMIFIN a European project on protection of financial infrastructure from cyber attacks. 

• Member of the Executive Board of RESIST a network of excellence on security & dependability 

• Principal investigator of the Italian PRIN project TENACE on National Critical Infrastructure Protections. TENACE joined 11 leading Research Centers and Universities in Italy.

• Coordinator of the EU project ATTACS, (Assessing the socio-economic impacts of Terrorist Threats or Attacks following the Close down of public transportation Systems Resilience enhancement Metropolitan Area)

• Project Coordinator of FILIERASICURA (Securing the Supply Chain of Domestic Critical Infrastructures from Cyber Attacks). FILIERASICURA is a Research Project funded by Cisco Research and Leonardo SpA whose consortium has a critical mass of academic scientists from 8 among the most prestigious Italian Universities 

Participation to Large National and International Projects

• Principal investigator of CIS-Sapienza group in WP6 of the EU IP project SUNFISH on cloud security  

• Principal Investigator of CIS-Sapienza within MIUR SMART CITIES Project ROMA, Resilience enhancement Metropolitan Area 

Finally in the last 10 years he has been Principal Investigator of the following EU, Italian and Industrial research projects (possibly incomplete list): 

• EU-STREP GreenerBuilding  on middleware infrastructures for energy savings in public buildings. 

• IP-ARTEMIS Europan Project SOFIA, 

• EUROSTAR Europan Project BLEND 

• DOMUS NOVA funded by Lazio Region  

• Sensors Networks for Security funded by Lazio Region

• MIUR PRIN Project “DOTS-LCCI: Reliable Middleware systems for Critical Infrastructures based on off-the-shelf components” (100KEuros)  

• IST-FP6-STREP “Semantic-Gov” 


• MIUR "Fondo Speciale per lo Sviluppo della Ricerca di Interesse Strategico" 2001 "Infrastrutture software per reti ad-hoc orientate ad ambienti difficili" (Software infrastructure for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks)"

• IST/2001/37610 - MIDAS. Middleware for Composable and Dynamically Adaptable Services, 2002 (2MEuros)

• IST/2001/35217- EU-PUBI.COM. Facilitating Co-operation amongst European Public Administration employees through a Unitary European Network Architecture and the use of Interoperable Middleware Components, 2002 

Coordination of Industrial Projects

Roberto Baldoni has been PI of the following Industrial projects: 

• Principal investigator of CIS-Sapienza of the industrial Project SOGEI-CERT carried out in collaboration with SOGEI 

• Principal investigator of National Laboratory of Cybersecurity of the industrial Project on software vulnerabilities on SCADA systems

• “P2P telephony” funded by  Telecom Italia – Tilab

• "Distributed Debugging in Complex Systems” funded by Finmeccanica 

• (Finmeccanica/SELEX-SI), "Data Distribution Service” 

• (SELEX-SEMA), "Secure plug-and-play middleware”  

• (Tilab - Telecom Italia), "Searching in P2P systems”    

• (Telecom Italia), "Content-Based Publish Subscribe”   

The following numbers provide an approximated overall funding hunted by Roberto Baldoni along his career:

Principal investigator of coordinated Italian, European or Industrial Projects for an overall budget >20MEuros

Local Principal Investigator of Italian, European or Industrial Projects for an overall funding > 10Meuros