Careers and PSHE  (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) at DHSB  also encompasses Citizenship, British Values and Work Experience (WEX).

Our Leader of Careers & PSHE is Mr Paul Scott - 

Mr Scott writes termly updates for the Head's blog about PSHE, Careers and Work Experience, and you can follow @DHSB_MrScott on X or search the hashtag #DHSBCAREERS.


Each year group has a Google Classroom dedicated to sharing key information and opportunities for students. All students have been invited to their associated Classroom. If you are not enrolled, please contact:


The DHSB careers programme is integrated into the PSHE provision on Friday P1 slots, and supplemented by a range of interactions with employers and the workplace through tutorial time, year group assemblies, Challenge Week and Enrichment Week opportunities and Unifrog.

The impact of the Careers programme is measured through internal reviews 3 times per year, meetings with our Link Trustee and presentations to the Board of Trustees for DHSB - all of which feed into our termly Compass+ reviews with the Careers & Enterprise Company who measure the impact of our programme in meeting our Gatsby Benchmark compliance.

Please click the Careers tab above to learn more about the offer here at DHSB.

Next review: May 2025


Leader for Careers & PSHE is Mr Paul Scott - 

The LG link for Careers & PSHE is Mr Shaun Manley 

Our link Trustee for Careers & PSHE is Mr Mark Pickersgill.

Our Enterprise Adviser is Jo Birnie, who is working with us on the careers programme to ensure that it is relevant to today’s world of work, and links with the Devon, Plymouth & Torbay Careers Hub who also offer us their expert support and guidance.

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