Professional Development (PD)

District Professional Development Plan 

Our PD Goal for You:  To provide meaningful and timely professional development to teachers to enhance their instructional strategies and impact student achievement in alignment to the professional develop plan and goals of the district.  


Please know that, as an administrative staff, we are trying and will continue to try our very best to provide you with professional development both in and out of the district.  We have funds and will be fair and equitable when sending teachers to out-of-district workshops.

If you would like to attend out-of-district professional development, here are a list of procedures to follow to ensure you are able to get to your training.  Please know that we will do everything we can to send you to your PD training even if there are fees and registration costs involved.  We may not be able to send everyone to every workshop that they wish to attend, however, we will provide you with a reason why if that occurs.

Stuff to Keep in Mind:

Please keep in mind that the professional development opportunity must have an impact on student achievement, be aligned to the teacher, school, and district professional development goals, and benefit the district, your colleagues, and yourself as an educator.  You will also be strongly encouraged to turn-key the information gained with your colleagues via presentation, artifact sharing, lesson visit, or short summary.

In an effort to be fair and equitable to all teachers in the district, the maximum number of out-of-district events a teacher may participate in is two per school year.  Upon the completion of an out-of-district workshop, a teacher will be asked to participate in the following:

Teacher Procedures:

If you would like to attend an out-of-district workshop or conference, please adhere to the following to ensure a smooth transition:

(Please Note:  you will need at least a month or a BOE meeting notice/approval to attend a PD opportunity):

PLEASE NOTE:  Your workshop cannot be approved if your PDP and an artifact about the workshop are not attached.  This will cause delays.  Our goal is for you not to miss your PD opportunity!

REGISTERING AS A GROUP:  If registering together to receive a group rate, Mrs. Grace will register everyone but the teacher or administrator must complete the paper registration with all of the appropriate information so she can fax or register everyone online without any delay or misinformation.  Please send the paper registration form to Mrs. Grace as soon as possible.

Once your completed request is in the Genesis Portal:

Please register yourself for the training or workshop.  Please let your principal or instructional supervisor know of any cancellation dates or fees that are associated with your training just to be sure.