

Understanding Uwe Johnson. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1999.


“Politisches Handeln und Gewalt in Uwe Johnsons Jahrestagen.” Johnson-Jahrbuch 17 (2010). Eds. Holger Helbig et al. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2011. 129-140. Reprinted in a special edition of Flandziu “offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde” “Open Society and its Enemies” 11.1 (2019): 115-126.

“The Violence of Precarity and the Appeal of Routine in Jenny Erpenbeck’s Gehen, ging, gegangen.Seminar: Journal of Germanic Studies. New Special Issue on Precarity / Heimatlosigkeit. 54.4 (2018): 504-521.

“’atmende Bremsen und Anfahren, singende Beschleunigung’ Erzählperspektive und Körpermetaphorik in Uwe Johnsons S-Bahn Essays.” Johnson-Jahrbuch 24 (2017). Eds. Holger Helbig et. Al. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2017. 123-136.

“Loss and the Durability of Everyday Life in Uwe Timm’s In My Brother’s Shadow and Bobbie Ann Mason’s In Country.” The Comparatist. 40 (2016): 144-157.

“The Absurd and Storytelling in Uwe Timm’s Johannisnacht and Rot.” Seminar: Journal of Germanic Studies. 52.3 (2016): 294-307.

“Violence and Intransitive Writing in Uwe Timm’s Der Freund und der Fremde.” Monatshefte 107.2 (2015): 270-283.

“Väterlichkeit und die Spuren von Heinrich Cresspahls Stärke.” Johnson-Jahrbuch 21 (2014). Eds. Holger Helbig et al. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2014. 102-113.

“Aesthetics of Violence in Uwe Timm’s Rot and Friedrich Christian Delius’s Mein Jahr als Mörder.” German Quarterly 86.1 (2013): 43-59.

“18 January 1943: Bateson Analysis of Hitlerjunge Quex Stresses Value of Film as Key to National Culture.” A New History of German Cinema. Eds. Jennifer Kapczynski and Michael D. Richardson. Rochester: Camden House, 2012. 300-304.

“The Involution of History in Uwe Timm’s Am Beispiel meines Bruders.” Monatshefte 104.1 (2012): 86-101.

“The Case of Egon Schulz and the Origins of Alexander Mitscherlich’s Empathy Concept.” German Studies Review 35.1 (2012): 55-72.

“Politisches Handeln und Gewalt in Uwe Johnsons Jahrestagen.” Johnson-Jahrbuch 17 (2010). Eds. Holger Helbig et al. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2011. 129-140.

“The Middle Voice in Günter Grass’s Im Krebsgang.” German Quarterly 83.2 (2010): 230-244.

“German National Character and the Relaxing American.” Germanic Review 80 (2005): 124-142.

“’Als wäre eine Decke weggerissen’ Figurative Language in Rubble Literature.” Colloquia Germanica. 36 (2003): 269-285.

“Drie aspecten van Vorstenschool: staatkunde, theater en Thorbecke” Over Multatuli 39 (1997): 17-24.

"Transcending the Berlin Wall in Search of the Mother and the Excluded Self." The Berlin Wall: Representations and Perspectives. Eds. Ernst Schürer et al. Studies in Modern German Literature vol. 79. New York: Peter Lang, 1996: 109-118.

"The Fictionalization of Uwe Johnson in Michael Tophoff's 'Het Kanaal.'" Vol. 4 of Internationales Uwe-Johnson-Forum: Beiträge zum Werkverständnis und Materialien zur Rezeptionsgeschichte. Eds. Carsten Gansel, Bernd Neumann and Nicolai Reidel. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 1996: 155-167.

"Het esthetisch leven van de hoogste en de laagste stenden in Multatuli's 'Woutertje Pieterse' en 'Vorstenschool.'" Over Multatuli 36 (1996): 29-35.

"Multatuli's 'Woutertje Pieterse' and 'Vorstenschool:' The (Un)poetic Truth of Upward Mobility." Publications of the Association of Netherlandic Studies 9. Contemporary Explorations in the Culture of the Low Countries. eds. William Z. Shetter and Inge Van der Cruysse. Lanham: U P of America, 1996: 1-11. English version of above article.

"Die Poetisierung der Geschichte in Uwe Johnsons 'Jahrestage.'" Uwe Johnson zwischen Vormoderne und Postmoderne. Eds. Carsten Gansel and Nicolai Riedel. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1995: 143-151.

"The Reforming Power of Drama: Historical Authenticity and Storytelling in Herman Heijermans' 'Op hoop van zegen.'" Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies 15.1 (1994): 7-17.

"Henrïette Roland Holst-van der Schalk." Women Writing in Dutch. Ed. Kristiaan Aercke. New York: Garland Publishing, 1994: 353-421.

"Auntie 'Times' and Elvira's Tears. The Montage Effect in Uwe Johnson's 'Jahrestage' and Christa Wolf's 'Kindheitsmuster.'" Vol. 3 of Internationales Uwe-Johnson-Forum: Beiträge zum Werkverständnis und Materialien zur Rezeptionsgeschichte. Eds. Carsten Gansel, Bernd Neumann and Nicolai Riedel. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 1993: 121-138.

"Henriette Roland Holst-van der Schalk and the Hunchback of Theology: Reconciling the Unreconciable" Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies. 14.2 (1993): 8-13.

"The Influence of Walter Benjamin's Notion of Allegory on Uwe Johnson's Jahrestage: Form and Approach to History." German Quarterly 66 (1993): 318-329.

"(Anti-) Utopian Elements in Uwe Johnson's Jahrestage: Traces of Ernst Bloch." Germanic Review 58.1 (1993): 32-45.

"The Socio-Economic Background of Heijermans' The Good Hope." The Good Hope: A Study Guide. Ed. Michael Lupu. Minneapolis: The Guthrie Theater, 1992: 7-10.

"The Outsider Experience and Narrative Strategy in Uwe Johnson's Jahrestage." Colloquia Germanica 24.2 (1991): 83-120.

"Object van verlangen en ongewenste kennis in Multatuli's Woutertje Pieterse." Over Multatuli 26 (1991): 54-65.

"Object of Desire and Undesired Knowledge in Multatuli's Woutertje Pieterse." Publications of the American Association of Netherlandic Studies 5. The Low Countries and Beyond. Ed. Robert S. Kirsner. Lanham, MD: UP of America, 1993: 125-137. English version of above article.

"Max Havelaar: Een roman als ontstellingsmiddel." Over Multatuli 22 (1989): 28-34.

"Max Havelaar: A Romantic Novel for Social Fluidity" Publications of the American Association of Netherlandic Studies 3. The Low Countries Multidisciplinary Studies. Ed. Margriet Lacy. Lanham, MD: U of America P, 1990: 139-146. English version of above article.

Most Recent Book Reviews:

Rinner, Susanne. The German Student Movement and the Literary Imagination: Transnational Memories of Protest and Dissent. The German Quarterly. 86.4 (2013): 507-508.

Gerstenberger, Katharina and Jana Evans Braziel. After the Berlin Wall: Germany and Beyond. German Studies Review. 36.2 (2013): 486-488.

William, Jennifer Marston. Killing Time: Waiting Hierarchies in the Twentieth-Century German Novel. German Quarterly 84 (2011): 268-269.

Ruth Owen. The Poet’s Role: Lyric Responses to German Unification by Poets from the GDR. Gegenwartsliteratur 8 (2009): 259-261.

Anne Fuchs. Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse: The Politics of Memory. German Studies Review 32.3 (2009): 714-715.

Published 17 book reviews in all. In addition, reviewed books for GDR Bulletin and Colloquia Germanica.