Memoir '44

Based on real world battles from D-Day during World War II, Memoir '44 has one player as the Allies and the other player as the Axis. The game comes with a list of scenarios based on real battles and changes the layout of the board around, changing how specific battles will take place. Players will need a good deal of strategy to command their troops around the board in an attempt to defeat enemy troops, capture strategic locations, and win the war. Each scenario changes the how each player can win the game depending on the real history involved around the battle.


Due to the nature of the game, each scenario has its own way to win. Usually this is done through defeating enemy units, capturing key locations, or various other specific events.


Game Designer

Cyrille Daujean, Julien Delval, Don Perrin, Claude Rica


Days of Wonder



60 minutes


area control, campaign driven, dice rolling, grid movement

Richard Borg

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  • 1 double sided game board

  • 44 double sided terrain tiles

  • 10 double sided victory medals

  • 14 special forces badges

  • 4 bunker/bridge tiles

  • 2 sets of miniatures featuring:

    • 42 infantry figures

    • 24 armored vehicles

    • 6 artillery pieces

    • 18 man-made obstacles

    • 3 cardholder sections

  • 8 battle dice

  • 1 deck of cards including:

    • 60 command cards

    • 9 summary cards

  • 1 set of instructions

  • 1 set of scenarios