About DCA

Partnering with parents to prepare children for this life and the next

 "I am convinced that if public schooling had begun many years ago in the condition which it currently exists, Christians would NOT have even considered it as an option."

                                       -Pastor David Cooper

 The impact of 14,157 hours of influence on a child during their early development

is greatly underestimated in Christian circles. 

An environment of skepticism at best and often hostility towards the Bible, Creation,

Christian standards of right and wrong, Jesus Christ, and God can in reality

destroy a child’s faith for life.

 rethinking the issue

 The impact of 14,157 hours of influence on a child during their early development

is greatly underestimated in Christian circles. 

An environment of skepticism at best and often hostility towards the Bible, Creation,

Christian standards of right and wrong, Jesus Christ, and God can in reality

destroy a child’s faith for life.

our purpose

Deford Christian Academy was began in 1981 with the purpose of bringing God’s Word front and center in the development and training of children.  While this does not guarantee internalization by the student, we believe it honors God and places confidence in the power of His Word!  

the real battle

Satan masquerades as an angel of light.  He is subtle and cunning.  We can all agree that if the devil were to hijack the education of our children it would not be under the banner of “Satanic Indoctrination Center for Young Impressionable Minds”!   Please ask yourself this question: What would public schooling have to look like for a Christian to think twice about sending his/her children?