All About Mentoring

What is the Mentoring Program?

Deerfield High School has designed and implemented this Mentoring Program to address two major objectives; connection to teachers and academic and career planning initiatives. The Wisconsin Department of Instruction has asked schools to implement curriculum designed to help students develop a plan for their life after high school and to incorporate that into their school environment. Our team has been working to build that curriculum and to provide students with opportunities such as job shadows, college visits, and experiences like Community Day. In addition to the curriculum and the plan, the hope is that students and staff will find more significant connections around these discussions and activities. 

Students meet with their mentor group and mentor teacher twice a month to participate in various activities and events. The curriculum is built around encouraging growth in both career aspects and character development. Students work with their group or individually to explore college options, career opportunities, and other lessons that will benefit them in life outside of Deerfield High School. 

Vision Statement

The mentoring program at Deerfield High School will focus on building relationships among students and staff with an emphasis on self awareness and character building. Using these aspects as a foundation for future readiness, students will develop clearer goals for post-secondary achievements.

Photos from our Mentor Mania Trivia Event- Celebrating the accomplishments of the year in mentoring!