Reading 2gether Tutoring Program

Soaring Hawk is lucky enough to be chosen as a "Reading 2gether School."  We have benefitted from a grant to implement the Reading 2gether program for many years.  Students are selected from upper grades to be "tutors" and second grade students are selected to be "tutees."  We typically have 6 pairs of students working together on reading each week.  The tutors attend a Leadership Academy to learn about how to teach children to read and how to provide encouragement and support.  The tutors meet the day before their lessons to review the materials and lesson plans with teacher guidance.  Then, before school on Tuesdays and Fridays, the tutees and tutors come to school to implement a reading lesson.  The benefits of this program far exceed improved reading abilities; the students are more connected to the school and feel the positive aspects of mentorship as well!  We love Reading 2gether!