Teachers and Staff

Laura responsibilities include:

Identify students with health concerns and develop lists of significant issues for use by school personnel on a need to know basis

Creating Individualized Health Care Plans for identified students

Education and training of staff for health and safety needs

Immunization Compliance

Collaboration with Special Education Interdisciplinary Team, attending team meetings, creating a health report for Initial and Reevaluations

Serve on 504 and Student Support Teams (RTI, MTSS)

Collaboration with school mental health team including assistance with suicide screening forms

Classroom presentations including:

Growth and Development

Hand Hygiene

Other Topics Upon Request

Training staff and delegating medical care as needed to responsible school personnel

Staff CPR training

Assistance with attendance issues related to health and/or safety concerns, attend SARB meetings

Liaison for communicable disease prevention

Homebound consultation

Vision screening consultation

Health counseling and referral for students

Staff Wellness (health promotion and education)

Providing direct student care in the health room as a supportive role to the Health Assistant and Health Room Back up Staff

Influenza vaccines might be available as early as July or August, but for most persons who need only 1 dose of influenza vaccine for the season, vaccination should ideally be offered during September or October. However, vaccination should continue after October and throughout the season as long as influenza viruses are circulating and unexpired vaccine is available. For most adults (particularly adults aged ≥65 years) and for pregnant persons in the first or second trimester, vaccination during July and August should be avoided unless there is concern that vaccination later in the season might not be possible. Certain children aged 6 months through 8 years need 2 doses; these children should receive the first dose as soon as possible after vaccine is available, including during July and August. Vaccination during July and August can be considered for children of any age who need only 1 dose for the season and for pregnant persons who are in the third trimester if vaccine is available during those months.