Response to Intervention: Literacy & The READ Act

All students receive support from their classroom teacher based on their individual needs as a reader. As the intervention reading teacher in the building, I work with students who need additional support in literacy. We use the Next Step Guided Reading Assessment, iReady scores and teacher observation/classwork to determine who needs additional support at each grade level. I meet with students 3-4 times per week in a small group. In my groups we use specific research-based programs to improve phonics, fluency and comprehension: Fundations (based on Wilson Language) and the Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy System.

The Colorado State READ Act requires that all K-3 students are assessed three times a year. At CME, we use the state approved assessment iReady. Students that fall below the cut score are put on a READ Plan. Parents will be notified if a student is put on a READ Plan and asked to come in for a conference to review the plan together. This document is reviewed several times during the school year by teachers to determine if the interventions we are providing are effective. A student can be exited from a READ plan when they demonstrate grade level proficiency as a reader.

Here is more detailed information on the READ Act: DCSD READ Act site

Here is is info from CDE on the The Literacy Curriculum Transparency Act