About Mrs. DeLong


The DeLong Family ~ Phillip, Debbie, Tyson, Morgan, Peyton and Savannah

A little about me…

This year I begin my 30th as a teacher! I grew up in the panhandle of Nebraska! After receiving my K-8 teaching degree I taught in Wyoming, Nebraska, Nevada and now beautiful Colorado! Change has always been part of the game in my teaching career as I have taught every grade level except 2nd! I was in the classroom for 17 years spending most of my time in 4th grade until obtaining my Master's degree in K-12 Educational Technology! After that, I taught M.S. grade 6-8 Computer Literacy and Media Productions. We moved to Colorado 9 years ago and I taught Elementary Technology Integration at SRE. I began my journey at Cresthill Middle School 6 years ago and I teach CANN (Cresthill Action News Network), Multimedia, and Yearbook!

Fun Fact: I'm a Leap Year Baby! Thus, the 13 on my birthday cake in the photo! Can you figure out how old I really am?