Highly Effective People--What in the World is That?!!!

“Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”--John Maxwell

The SCANS report is well worth reading. What do highly effective people know how to do?

The website of Sean Covey--Inspiring Greatness in Youth

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12 skills that workers need

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How do you stand out among co-workers or other applicants for a job?

ACT, a nonprofit research and information service, pinpoints 12 skills that employers say they want.

We’re not talking about job-specific skills, such as an ability to design a Web site or give vaccinations.

Sure, the right education, experience and abilities are the main requirements to get or advance in any job. But we’re talking here about personal attributes that make bosses want to hire, keep or promote you.

Having those “soft skills” is a very big deal in today’s workplace, where a lot depends on interpersonal relationships.

Employers say they want workers who:

1. Think before speaking and plan before acting.

2. Are cordial and likable.

3. Can quickly summon creative juices or imagination to find new, cost-cutting or time-saving ways to do something.

4. Follow through on tasks without being distracted or bored and, overall, are responsible and dependable.

5. Forgive others and believe that others are well intentioned.

6. Speak up and exert positive influence. (That’s leadership!)

7. Exude confidence and a positive attitude.

8. Are efficient and neat.

9. Can read others’ moods and are savvy about office politics.

10. Enjoy sociable interactions with co-workers.

11. Maintain composure and rationality under stress, whether it’s real or perceived.

12. Have high aspirations and will work to achieve those goals.

If you think that’s so much squishy malarkey, think again.

Many employers are measuring those traits through pre-employment testing. (Fair disclosure: ACT is a purveyor of such assessments.)

Unfortunately, you’re not going to hear back from employers that you “failed” such a pre-employment test. You just won’t get an offer.

And you’ll have to count on a communicative boss to tell you exactly which traits (or lack thereof) are holding you back.

More often, an accurate self-analysis is your best bet. In fact, it ought to be No. 13 on the list.