Home-Based Learning Resources

How-to Video: iReady

How-To Videos: Seesaw

How-To Videos: Google Classroom

Remote Learning Expectations

For Students:

    1. What should I be responsible for during remote learning?

        • Keep up with posted assignments and deadlines in all classes.

        • Set a routine for learning. Examples: dedicated time for instruction and a comfortable place to work

        • Actively participate each day (M-F) and communicate with your teacher(s).

        • Be a good digital citizen at all times.

    2. Approximately how long should I be spending on lessons each day?

        • K - 2 Elementary: Math (20-25) ELA (20-25) Science or Social Studies(Reading) (20-25) Elective (15) = 1.5 - 2 hours

        • 3 - 5 Elementary: Math (30-45) ELA (30-45) Science or Social Studies(Reading) (20-30) Elective (20-30) = 2 - 2.5 hours

    3. What should I do if I have a problem with accessing assignments?

        • Contact teachers if you have questions or difficulties accessing materials, resources or instruction.

For Parents:

    1. What should I be responsible for during remote learning?

        • Be patient and supportive of students and teachers.

        • Set routines and schedules for learning.

        • Stay up-to-date with communication from your child’s school and the district.

        • Keep contact information up-to-date with the school and district.

    2. Approximately how long should my child spend on lessons each day?

        • K - 2 Elementary: Math (20-25) ELA (20-25) Science or Social Studies(Reading) (20-25) Elective (15) = 1.5 - 2 hours

        • 3 - 5 Elementary: Math (30-45) ELA (30-45) Science or Social Studies(Reading) (20-30) Elective (20-30) = 2 - 2.5 hours

    3. What should I do if my child has a problem with accessing assignments?

        • Contact teachers if you have questions or difficulties accessing materials, resources or instruction.