
We invite and welcome parents and families to be actively and positively involved in our school community and events. Partnership between parents, educators, students and the community is important for students’ success.

Contact RPMS

Danbury Public Schools

RPMS Behavior Expectations


RPMS Student/Parent Handbook

This handbook is a comprehensive guide to Rogers Park Middle School. It contains information about our guidelines, procedures, and outlines our expectations for students. These guidelines and expectations aim to ensure that teaching and learning can take place freely in a safe and purposeful environment for all students, and it is important that parents and students are fully aware of these expectations so that they can meet them.

English, Spanish, Portuguese

PowerSchool for Parents: Creating an Account

Please call 203-364-4650 with any questions about your Parent Portal access or passwords.

The District Code for the phone app is KGLF. 

Parent Portal Tutorial.webm
To keep students engaged in learning and provide home learning experiences, it is critical for parents to sign up for the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The parent portal will have email address information, teacher information and helpdesk links. 
Para mantener a los estudiantes comprometidos con el aprendizaje y proporcionar experiencias de aprendizaje en el hogar, es fundamental que los padres se registren en el Portal de Padres PowerSchool. El portal para padres tendrá información de dirección de correo electrónico, información del maestro y enlaces al servicio de asistencia.
Parent Portal Portuguese Tutorial.webm
Para manter os alunos envolvidos no aprendizado e fornecer experiências de aprendizado em casa, é fundamental que os pais se inscrevam no Portal para Pais do PowerSchool. O portal terá informações de endereço de email, informações do professor e links de suporte técnico.

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