Home Practice



Make a set of flashcards (or two to play fun games like Go Fish/Memory) by printing out pictures of your child's articulation sounds.  Mommy Speech Therapy  is a great resource for finding pictures with your child's sounds.  Not sure what sounds your child is working on or want me to print the pictures & send them home with your child?  Fill out the form at the bottom of this page & let me know!

Oral Motor

Activities to try at home

Checkout that oral motor tab for more information regarding oral motor activities that could help your child.

Speech & Language 


Super Duper Inc. has some fun, quick activities you can do daily to help boost your child's speech and language development.  Click the year to find calendars with daily activities to do for 2023 & 2024.


Here is a list of games that are great for building language & communication skills:


Here is a list of toys that are great for building language & communication skills: Use these toys to help target following directions, articulation, vocabulary, etc.