• Why can't I drag and drop in the Outline? I'd *like* to add that, but it's going to be pretty difficult to do for a number of reasons. I'm not sure it is even possible for me to hack google docs to support this feature given the way things are set up.

  • Why is everything so slow? Every time you do something with the add-on, a command is sent to a google server before the command can be executed. What you are experiencing is called latency, and there's not much that can be done about that.

  • Can you implement feature X from Verbatim? Perhaps. Send me an email and I will take it under consideration.

  • I found a bug. Can you fix it? I'm sorry to hear that. Please send me an email with a detailed description of the problem, and preferably the link to a document with the problem, and I'll see if I can fix it.