What We're Learning

Reading- To begin the year, we will be working on reading nonfiction and informational text while also incorporating fiction stories to discuss empathy. 

Writing - We utilize the RACES writing strategy.

Social Studies  


Math- We use the iReady math resource for On-Level (5th grade), Advanced (6th grade), and Accelerated (7th grade)

SELAS - We follow the Walker WAY (Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Ready) and 5th graders are leaders of the school. We encourage responsibility and modeling good behavior. Students participate in regular Mood Check-ins through a Google Form and we hold class meetings each week to create a safe and happy learning environment.

Mary Curley Leadership Award - Three girls and three boys are nominated to be on the ballot and then the 5th-grade students and all of Walker Staff vote for the finalist. One girl and one boy will receive this award at the Promotion Ceremony at the end of the year. Their names will be engraved on a plaque and will receive medals as recognition of their leadership throughout the years at Walker School.