Useful Apps and Resources

Resources for Helping to Limit Screen time On Devices

This is a complicated topic these days as our students have grown up with technology in their hands from a very young age. There is a large amount of research out there that is cautioning us about the negative effects of increased screen time and how that affects our children. We encourage you to read up on some of the research about this topic. We have linked some resources below for you.

Additionally, please know that we are taking steps to limit the screen time that your students are exposed to in school with district issued technology to times when it is necessary to further the educational process for your child. However, we do not have the ability to limit your child on the technology that you purchase and give to them. In order to help you affect a change on the device you have provided to your child, we have listed some possible means be which can do that as well as create good conversations to have with your child to help them navigate this rapidly changing landscape.