Math 6 Flex

Class Description

Math Flex is a 6th grade class that will cover all 6th grade standards and expose you to some 7th grade standards. There will be opportunities during class to work on optional mathematical topics during a unit if you wish to stretch your learning. To be successful in this class you will need to have good study habits and dedication.


Besides the supplies for other classes, the following supplies are suggested specifically for math.

• A math journal/notebook (may be gridded or otherwise)

• Pencils. Have lots of pencils and erasers!

Ballpoint pens for all corrections (not a marker or highlighter)

• Protractor & Compass

• Calculator

• Red, black, or blue ballpoint pens for corrections

• Standard/metric 12” ruler

• Supply Pouch used specifically for Math

• Colored pencils, markers, and highlighters are also helpful but not required

• Optional: Graph paper, Binder paper

When needed, the teacher will provide any online textbooks for the class. Many assignments will be handouts/worksheets or a link online.

Homework Policies


Grading Policies

1. Homework, Classwork, Journal – 10% of grade

Students will generally be assigned homework every day and will self-correct    

(showing corrections and steps for all missed problems – see #10 above) using

the answer key given by teacher.

On campus, homework will be collected bi-weekly to be graded OR a homework

quiz will be given. During distance learning, selected homework will be collected

bi-weekly (see #11 above).


You will receive full credit on your homework packet if directions have been

followed. The following are ways you can lose points on your homework: No work 

shown, Missing corrections, Late assignment, Incomplete work, Not following 



Please keep ALL current homework in your binder until each chapter test. After

taking the chapter test, you may keep all completed and graded work at home in a

file until the end of the school year, after the Final.

Journals will be used for notes, assignments, and reflections both in class and at

home.  Both sides of a page in the journal should be used. Journals will be graded

on completion and clarity of work. Selected sections of these will be graded each



2. Assessments - 90% of grade

Tests are given at the end of each unit. Problems may be scored for both correct

answers AND correct math steps. Completed and graded tests will require a

parent signature.


Quizzes are given approximately every two weeks and have the same

requirements as tests.


Projects may be included in the assessment category.


When you are absent, you must make up and correct any assignments completed while you were gone, generally given the same number of days as you were absent. Check with a responsible student and the extra worksheets file for the missed work. Also check the website daily. You may see your teacher for further help.

For questions about Math Placement, please send questions to the District Office.