7th Grade Curriculum

Course Description:

The Social Studies course taught at Collinsville Middle School is a two year U.S. History course from Prehistory to the Civil War and Reconstruction. Although the basis of this course is United States History, Physical and Cultural Geography, Economics, Civics and Government, Political Science, and other areas of Social States will be addressed through a historical perspective in keeping with the Illinois State goals and standards.

The Seventh grade course begins with introduction of geography concepts including geographic themes, basic map skills, the Earth’s atmosphere, land, oceans, and physical and cultural geography. Study is then focused on ancient and early American civilization, including Native American, European, and Africans in the 14th and 15th centuries. The course continues with the foundations of early American life in the 16th and 17th centuries, and the roots of the United States in the 18th century. Colonial America and the War for Independence are emphasized. Presidents Washington through Adams will also be evaluated. The year ends with a study of the new nation and a federal constitution test.

World studies and geography is continually integrated in this course through ongoing chronological historical context. This course will provide a connection to the high school in scope and sequence of the Social Studies curriculum.

Units of Study

  • Geography
  • Unit 1 - Different Worlds meet (Beginning to 1625)
  • Unit 2 - Colonial Settlement. (1587 -1170)
  • Unit 3 - Creating a Nation. (1763 - 1791)
  • Unit 4 - The New Republic (1789-1800)
  • Unit 4 - U.S. Constitution