
We hope everyone had a great summer!!


Please read the information below carefully and let us know if you have any questions.

- Mr. Fountain, Mr. Schafer, and Mr. Jimmerson


First Day of School!

The first day of school is 8/23/23. You can bring your instrument but we will not play until Thursday, 8/24. Please make sure you have your binder, dividers, pencil pouch, etc. on the first day so you can organize your binder. Thanks!


7th Grade - Bring the book you were using in 6th Grade, we will ALSO use Essential Elements for Band Book 1 occasionally in class (keep in your binder)

8th Grade - Bring the book you were using in 7th Grade, PLUS purchase Essential Elements for Band Book 2

9th Grade - No new books are needed in 9th grade


All students should bring their instruments and other necessary items to school at the beginning of the school year. You may also choose to bring them to open house.


Students will be provided a locker that will be available to them at open house or the first day of school. Lockers for most 8th and 9th graders are the same as last year. Locker assignments can be found here. Use the search feature to find your name. If you don't have a locker, please email your band director. 


If you need your instrument repaired or tuned up, please use West Music or Barnard Instrument Repair.  Instruments should be tuned up every year and any other repairs should be taken care of immediately.  If need be, you can coordinate your instrument to be picked up and dropped off here at Point if that makes things easier.  Both West and Barnard visit us on a regular basis.  Again, please get instruments tuned up on a yearly basis and any repairs taken care of immediately. 

Supplies Needed for Class

If you need supplies, please consider purchasing them from a local music store.  In addition to the normal supplies particular to each instrument, students will need the following supplies to start the school year:

Cell Phone Policy

All students will be required to deposit their cell phone into an assigned pocket when they enter the band room.  This policy will help to ensure a more focused learning environment.  This is an approved classroom structure that is in use around the school district.  We will introduce this to the students in the first couple of days of school and then communicate home details on the expectations and potential consequences of this new policy.  

Concert Attire

Black dress shirt, black dress pants/skirts (must go below the knee while seated), black dress shoes, black socks, guys please wear a tie. Jeans, shorts, sandals, and tennis shoes are not considered appropriate concert apparel. Any time that the Prairie bands appear in a performance, performers should be dressed appropriately. If you need assistance with purchasing a uniform, please let one of the band directors know. 

You are encouraged to connect with the Prairie Point Bands through

this website and Facebook.  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/prairiepointbands/