About Me


Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. – Malcolm X 

A little about me:

I am a mother of two beautiful children- ages 8, and 6. I am also a graduate of the University of Houston - Clear Lake where I received both my bachelor's and master's degrees in Psychology. I recently completed my Principal Certification. In addition, I have worked in education for 5 years and I am a certified math teacher in grades 4-8. 

My beliefs:

It is my belief education in one’s life is essential, and I hope to assist your child in their education journey. Also, I believe every child can learn and structure is important for the classroom and their future. In my 5 years as a teacher, I have been truly amazed by the parental support that I have received. I am a firm believer that hard work, dedication, and respect pay off. I believe that each child’s grade should reflect the effort THEY put into their education. Although my expectations are high, I truly care about the children and teach them not only math but also responsibility.

Parent involvement/support:

I encourage parent support. I want to hear from you and/or meet with you. If adjustments need to be made, we will make them together. I want us to be a team in your child’s learning. If there is ever an issue or concern, please email me @ cdawson@crosbyisd.org