
iPad Online Resources:

Apps in Education

iRead: Escondido Union School District: The Escondido Union School District in California has been using iPods for several years. Here they share lot of information about the project. Be sure to check out the teacher blogs.

TechChef4U: The TechChef, Lisa Johnson, shares a myriad of tips, trick, lessons, and app ideas for the iPad.

Learning in Hand: Tony Vincent's website about using technology to support learning.

Project Based Learning in Hand: Tony Vincent shares ideas for effective PBL

Class Tech Tips: Monica Burns

iPads in Columbia Public Schools (CPS)

Digital Story Telling on the iPad

Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Up Typing on an iPhone or the iPad: Several tips and shortcuts for using the iPad keyboard.

iPads in Schools LiveBinder: Great collections of resources for using iPads and/or iPods in school.

iPod Touch & iPad Resources LiveBinder: LiveBinder collection of resources to assist K-12 teachers in using iPods and iPads in the classroom.

Elementary iPads: Variety of resources and ideas for using iPads in the elementary classroom.

Best Apps for Kids: App reviews to help you find the best iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad apps.

iPads at Burley: Follow the adventures of a Chicago school integrating iPads into first and second grade classrooms.

iPad Academy: Tips and tutorials to help you master the iPad.

Kathy Schrock's iPads 4 Teaching: Education technology expert, Kathy Shrock, provides information and links about using iPads in education.

iIntegrate Technology Blog

Flipped Classroom Resources

Flipped Learning Resources

30 Online Resources for PBL and Flipped Classrooms

Flipped Classes: Dispelling Myths and Sharing What Works

Ted-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing

Khan Academy

iPods in the Kindergarten Classroom:

Technology in Early Chldhood

iTouch and Kindergarten: An Intro: Article about using the iPod Touch in Kindergarten.

iPod Touches Meet Kindergarten:

iPods for Kindergarten: From the Tech 4 Teaching Blog

iPods in Kindergarten: Blog written by a Kindergarten teacher about her experience introducing iPods into her classroom.

Hand holding an iPhone displaying apps.