iPad Flipped Learning

The Flipped Learning Model

What's the best use of your face to face class time with students? Flip Learning is a framework that enables teachers to reach every student in class every day.

After a very successful flipped classroom pilot in 2012, Creighton School District has now implemented the flipped learning framework in 37 classrooms across the district in grades 1 through 8. Students are using iPads to facilitate their learning.

“This year students were able to demonstrate their learning in a variety of new creative outlets that we had not used before, like iMovie trailers for a book study, the newsletter templates in Pages to make historical newspapers, and ThingLink to make presentations that incorporate several different types of media.”

~7th Grade Teacher

The iPads are taken home and students watch instructional videos created by their teachers, along with completing an assignment aligned to the video instruction.

"Many students have told me that their parents would watch the flipped lessons with them in order to be more prepared to help if needed."

~5th Grade Teacher

Application and Agreements

Prior to becoming an iAchieve Flipped Learning teacher and receiving a full class set of iPads, teachers submit an application. Applications are reviewed and individually scored by a team of reviewers utilizing a rubric.

"The flipped model has afforded me the ability to move direct instruction of group learning to more individualized learning and differentiate learning to better meet students' needs."

~4th Grade Teacher

Teachers, principals, parents, and students must also sign an agreement committing to the project and its guidelines.

"Because of my flipped videos, I have a higher number of parents reinforcing skills at home. Most parents surveyed this past week state that they watched ALL the videos alongside their child. This provided parents with a window into my classroom instruction. This has led to an increased number of students applying strategies and overall comprehension growth."

~1st Grade Teacher

“Flip videos make it easier for me since I can go at my own pace.” ~ Student Quote