iAchieve Data

Quantitative Data

“I have seen amazing changes in the way students think.”

~6th Grade Teacher

2014-2015 Data

Comparison of expected growth and actual average growth between 1:1 iPad flipped learning classrooms and traditional classrooms.

2014-15 iAchieve Data

“Everyday the students continue to grow and impact their own learning without realizing it. It’s amazing to see.”

~Kindergarten Teacher

2013/2014 Data

During the 2013/14 school year, iAchieve continued to support it's original 24 iPod touch classrooms but also grew to include 18 1:1 iPad classrooms implementing a flipped learning model.

2013-14 iAchieve Data

“My class has had wonderful attendance this year, due in part to the iPads. In the first quarter I had a perfect attendance rate of 25% and in the second quarter a perfect attendance rate of 37%, one of the best in the school.” ~5th Grade Teacher

Qualitative Data


4th Grade Teacher:

Another part of the data that can’t truly be measured is the fact that all learning styles are being met. No matter what type of learner each of my students are I was able to cater to them by incorporating different activities in the lesson by using the iPads. This is so important because the teacher is able to differentiate for each student and their needs. There is no argument that the iPads are a great tool to have in a classroom, some data cannot be measured by the scores of tests but rather by the projects and assignments complete by the students.

Kindergarten Teacher:

Student engagement definitely increased as we transformed into a flipped classroom. The videos allowed for more focused small group instruction that truly benefited those who were struggling. The iPads were a valuable resource in student learning as well. I focused on phonic skills when developing our flipped lessons, but also utilized the iPads in other subject areas as well. The apps made it possible for students to expand their knowledge through interacting with meaningful apps.

6th Grade Teacher:

Some students who are reluctant to respond and engage verbally, have found a new voice when given digital tools. Technology has really opened doors for my students.

8th Grade Teacher:

The feedback from parents was outstanding and parents started to understand that this was not just an iPad but a learning resource just like a standard book would be.

2nd Grade Teacher:

Students have made an average growth of 128 Lexile points from August 2013 to March 2014. Typical growth in one school year is 100 Lexile points!

Quotes from parents on how iPads have enhanced learning.

2012/2013 Data

In addition to the iPod touch classrooms, Project iAchieve implemented 10 Flipped Classroom Models supported by 1:1 iPads in a variety of grade levels across the district.These flipped classrooms are utilizing iPads to facilitate student learning both at home and in the classroom.

Below is a sampling of the data collected in both the iPod touch and iPad classrooms during the 2012/2013 school year.

2012-13 iAchieve Data

“Students are given the opportunity to apply concepts through projects and activities that make students think and explain” ~4th Grade Teacher

2011/2012 Data

Project iAchieve again focused on developing reading comprehension skills through improving student oral reading fluency by using Voice Memos on the iPod touch to create fluency recordings.

2011-12 iAchieve Data

“I believe that the recording apps on the iPad help to support the English verbal production of our English Language Learners.” ~4th Grade Teacher

2010/2011 Data

The main goal for the iAchieve iPod project is to increase reading achievement in the third grade iPod classrooms. Data from the first year of implementation of the iAchieve iPod project has shown a positive trend in achieving the goal. The iPods were being used in third grade classrooms at schools of highest academic need in the Creighton District.

2010-11 iAchieve Data