2012 Summer Training

During the summer of 2012, we provided a variety of trainings to our iAchieve teachers: iPod touch, flipped classroom with iPads, and iPad Media Kits. Here is a brief preview:

iPod touch Training:

iPod touch teachers participated in two full days of training over the summer. We have a combination of both experienced and new iPod teachers so they were able to learn from each other. The training included managing the iPod touch cart, establishing rules and procedures for student use, and the use of specific apps to enhance instruction and learning. Teachers from each school worked together in collaborative teams to establish rules and procedures appropriate for their site. In addition to the two day training, these teachers are supported throughout the year by job embedded coaching and mentoring in their classrooms.

Flipped Classroom Training:

Even though we had done a 6 week pilot the previous year, the flipped classroom model was still a new concept and we all have a lot to learn about both the model and how to effectively use and manage the iPads for flipped learning. These reachers participated in 3 1/2 days of training that included developing a common definition and model for the flipped classroom, set up and management of the iPad cart, and specific use of the iPad and apps for learning. These teachers were also provided with and iPad Media Kit (iPad, Apple TV, and HDMI projector) for modeling instruction and for students to demonstrate their thinking and learning. Flipped classroom training has been ongoing throughout the school year through job embedded coaching and modeling as well as through a monthly flipped classroom PLC where teachers can share and ask questions along with receiving training on specific apps, video making, and other resources.

iPad Media Kit Training:

iPad Media Kit teachers each received a half day of training in the set up and use of an iPad Media Kit (iPad, Apple TV, and HDMI projector. These teachers also have access to job embedded coaching and modeling throughout the year and we also offered several options for two hour in-depth iPad Media Kit Refresher Trainings.

We also offered Saturday trainings for teachers that were not able to attend training during the summer:

Plans are currently being made for Summer 2013 trainings for both new and continuing teachers.