Parent Tips

Kennedy-Longfellow Digital Safety Tips


Click here: Kennedy-Longfellow Digital Safety Tip Sheet for Parents

snap shot of the attached pdf 

Make it a family goal to for all members to become knowledgeable Digital Citizens.

Once your child begins using technology at home, it is important for you to check in regularly with them to see how they are using it.  A great place to start is by observing how they use digital devices and asking them questions as they interact with them. This will allow you to teach them how to be safe while using these tools. Habits like these, will give you the opportunity to subtly review basic Internet safety tips like:

It is good practice to not allow children under that age of 13 to have their own social media account.  Younger children are typically not developmentally mature enough to navigate this media.  There is a distinct possibility that the social media site will disable an account if it is discovered that the account was created for a person under age 13 as governed by the FTC's COPPA.