Online Resources

Online Resources

Please use this page as a learning resource.

Introduction to CS Week and Code Explorations!

All around the world students are taking part in learning more about Computer Science and coding through challenges testing their problem-solving and creativity through coding! 

Explore coding for the first time or challenge our coding skills by participating in one of the code challenges below. 


Hour of Code Activities:

Comfortable with Some Coding

Scratch —(Mrs. Malone can set up account to save work if parental permission form was submitted) alternately you are able to save your work directly to chromebook–or families can create their own account

TinkerCAD—((Mrs. Malone can set up account to save work if parental permission form was submitted) or families can create their own account.

Coding at KLO

 Bee Bots



 Lego WeDos

 Scratch Jr.

 PBS Scrath Jr


 Made w/Code

 Hour of Code

 Blocks CAD




Mrs. Malone's Coding Books











Keyboarding is an extremely important skill set to develop.  You will become much more proficient in using the keyboard the earlier you learn how to touch type by memorizing the keys.

K-2 Resources:

Cambridge Typing Club--KLO Grade 2

Please sign in with your network credentials or your google doc credentials.  See me if you need help.

Dance Mat Typing


3-5 Resources:

The district set up Typing Club accounts for students in grades 3-5.  This can be accessed at school and anywhere you can access the internet outside of school.

Please sign in with your network credentials or your google doc credentials.  See me if you need help.

Additional Keyboarding Resources:

Typing Test

Learn Keyboard Typing

Media Evaluation

Evaluating Media

Media Literacy 101

Groundhog Day Activities

Below are some educational online resources to help students and parents.