An Ecosystem-Based Assessment of the Koksilah Watershed

Phase 1 Report:

Watershed Character and Condition

Click following link to Download Watershed Character and Condition Report in pdf format.

Tackling climate change and the growing population and development pressures on the Koksilah/Xwulqw’selu watershed requires a collaborative spirit and an ability to think across political, disciplinary and jurisdictional boundaries to the health of the whole watershed.

The Koksilah Watershed Working Group is focused on influencing land use practices through building community knowledge and understanding based on “whole watershed thinking” .

To help do this, we commissioned an ecosystem-based assessment of the watershed. It was carried out in three phases:

  1. Phase 1 Report - Phase 1 described the original character of the watershed as well as its current condition. Download Watershed Character and Condition Report in pdf format.
  2. Phase 2 Community engagement - Phase 2 involved a community review of the maps and information produced in the first phase.
  3. Phase 3 Report - Phase 3 drew on the information gathered in Phases 1 and 2 to design a multi-scale network of "protected" areas for maintaining and restoring ecological integrity. Download Protected Networks Report in pdf format.
