Water Rights

Know the Rules

The Provincial Government manages water rights.

Surface water licenses have not been issued in the Koksilah since 1980.

A household is entitled to use 2000 litres of water per day from their well. That is roughly 13 bathtubs full per day. Groundwater wells for domestic use do not need to be licensed but they should be registered so the Province can take your well into consideration when issuing new licenses..

If you use water for farming, livestock, rentals, or any commercial purpose, you are required to have a groundwater license and must not use more water than your license specifies.

For more information: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/water-licensing-rights

Home Owner Water Use Calculators

How much water am I using to irrigate my fields?

Calculate Water Use from Pump Electrical Power using this link.

This is a template link which will allow you to make a copy of this spreadsheet for your own use.