Outpatient counseling & reentry coaching - addiction and anger management
We believe counseling and coaching should be at the heart of your reentry and recovery process. We offer addictions counseling services for alcohol and/or other substance use disorders. We tailor all of our services to your individual circumstances and needs.
Counseling First is licensed by the State of Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (SUPR) to provide two categories of services, based on the placement criteria of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM).
Treatment services for adults with substance use disorders (substance abuse) as defined by ASAM Patient Placement Criteria. The levels of care provided are outpatient non-residential substance abuse treatment (ASAM levels 1 and 2) consisting of face-to-face clinical services, for adults only. The frequency and intensity of such treatment depends on client need.
Counseling First also offers early intervention (ASAM level 0.5) sub-clinical or pre-treatment services for adults with problems or risk factors related to substance use, but for whom an immediate substance use disorder cannot be confirmed.
DUI services including intervention services for DUI substance abuse evaluation and risk education for persons charged with driving under the influence (DUI) offenses pursuant to the Illinois Vehicle Code [625 ILCS 5/11-501] or similar local ordinances. DUI evaluations determine the offender's risk to public safety and make recommendations for intervention to the Illinois courts or to the Office of the Secretary of State. We also provide DUI education services.
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