Math 6 & 6+ Homework Page

Homework should take most students about 25 - 30 minutes a night. Homework is meant to be a review of previously learned concepts (which will be reviewed in class) as well as provide an opportunity to practice for quizzes and tests. I will do my best to give students multiple opportunities to practice new concepts IN CLASS prior to sending the concept home to work on independently. Homework will be due the following class day after it is assigned. We will go over solutions, ask questions, and discuss our strategies.

Students should come to class each day with completed homework and be prepared to ask questions (see Genuine Questions) and share their thinking. Students will keep the assigned work (Mon - Fri) in the HOMEWORK section of their binder. On the last day of the week, a gold 1/2 sheet detailing the week's work will be given to students. Students will assemble all of the assignments listed on the 1/2 sheet into a packet that will be turned in to me on Tuesday of the following week. This "packet" system allows students time to revise their work, receive additional assistance, and not fall behind throughout the quarter.

A student's quarterly grade in math will be a reflection of their quiz and test scores, as well as class participation (math labs, warm ups, activities) and a few select homework assignments.

Math 6 & 6+ Homework Page — List page from Classic Sites