Mrs. Schroeder's Classroom     Syllabi and Classroom Rules

Careers 6

2023-2024 Learning Log Copy

Science/Health 6

2023-2024 Learning Log Copy

Social Studies 6

2023-2024 Learning Log Copy

Science 7

2023-2024 Learning Log Copy

LA 6

2023-2024 Learning Log Copy

Math 6

2023-2024 Learning Log Copy

All Activities and Lesson Plan Information will be on my Lesson plan tab which is located in the left hand column titled Lesson Plans Grade 6

Mrs. Schroeder's Classroom Syllabi

and Rules and Expectations

Science 6

Math 6

Social Studies 6

Reading 6

Language Arts 6

 GgggggGeAaaaaj M Mrs. Schroeder's Middle School Social

Cornell Middle/High School  (715) 861-6947 ext 1115

Topics covered:

Science 6

Mixtures and Solutions

Models and Designs

Levers and Pulleys


Students will understand that there are unifying themes: systems, order, organization, and interactions; evidence, models, and explanations; constancy, change, and measurement; evolution, equilibrium, and energy; form and function among scientific disciplines.

Students will understand that science is ongoing and inventive, and that scientific understandings have changed over time as new evidence is found.

 Students will investigate questions using scientific methods and tools, revise their personal understanding to accommodate knowledge, and communicate these understandings to others.

 Students  will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and structures of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with one another and their environment.

 Students will demonstrate an understanding of the physical and chemical properties of matter, the forms and properties of energy, and the ways in which matter and energy interact.

Social Studies 6

Mapping Skills

Ancient Civilizations--Incas, Aztecs, 

Students will learn about geography through the study of the relationships among people, places, and environments.

Students will learn about the history of the United States, and the world, examining change and continuity over time in order to develop historical perspective, explain historical relationships, and analyze issues that affect the present and the future. 

Students will  use a variety of geographic representations, such as political, physical, and topographic maps, a globe, aerial photographs, and satellite images, to gather and compare information about a place

Students will use an atlas to estimate distance, calculate scale, identify dominant patterns of climate and land use, and compute population density

Reading 6

Reading log on Google Docs

Time to read in class

Discussion to make connections/reflections.  

Reading Drills

We will also do a combination of independent reads, skills practice for academic reading and anchor text reading as a group 

Math 6

CPM envisions a world where mathematics is viewed as intriguing and useful, and is appreciated by all; where powerful mathematical thinking is an essential, universal, and desirable trait; and where people are empowered by mathematical problem-solving and reasoning to solve the world’s problems.

Students will:

Ratios and Proportional Relationships

• Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.

The Number System

• apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.


• Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.


• apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.

Expressions and Equations

• reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.

• represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables


• Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume.

Statistics and Probability

• develop understanding of statistical variability.

• Summarize and describe distributions.

English 6


You the Writer

Types of Writing

The Writing Process

Sentences, Paragraphs, and Compositions 


Nouns and Pronouns


Adjectives and Adverbs


Conjunctions and Interjections

Basic Sentence Parts

Phrases and Clauses

Effective Sentences

Using Verbs, Using Pronouns, Making Words Agree, Using Modifiers, Using Punctuation and Capitalization

Classroom Rules and Procedures/Expectations

Welcome to Mrs. Schroeder's Classroom!

Because I care about you and your right to learn, the following rules and policies will be enforced in this room. At first it may seem that I expect a lot from you, but I do this only because I know you can do it.

Classroom Rules

I have three general classroom rules. I expect that your behavior, statements, and actions will meet these three criteria at all times. As you consider your actions, simply ask yourself these three questions:

Mission Statement

My goal is to educate students who will:


Grading Scale:

A 93-100      A- 90-92      B+ 88-89      B 83-87      B- 80-82 C+ 78-79     C 73-77     C- 70-72       D+ 68-69     D 63-67       D-60-62     F 59&Below        


Calculating Quarter Grades

Assessments--60%        Daily Practice Activities = 40%  


Calculating Semester Grades

First Quarter Grade = 50%Second Quarter Grade = 50%

Classroom Materials and Technology Expectations

*textbook, writing tool/pencils, pens, eraser, paper, folder, lap tap computer

*Google Classroom

Other Procedures and Expectations






*A student may receive an extension on an assignment if unusual circumstances arise.  This must be done prior to the due date—once the due date arrives, it is too late to request an extended deadline.





Let’s have a positive and productive learning experience! 

Any questions or concerns please contact me anytime!

Available for phone conversations--10:22-11:15  and after school 3:21-4:00


Cornell Middle/High School  (715) 861-6947 ext 1115