
To better understand the effects of violence on post-conflict outcomes, I collected data in Northern Uganda during the summer of 2013. The data extends the Survey of War Affected Youth which collected data on a representative sample of young men from the most war affected districts in Northern Uganda. The collected data include information of a variety of economics outcomes, behavioral parameters and mental health. The data was collected in collaboration with Christopher Barrett (Cornell University) and KICWA (Kitgum Concerned Women's Association), an NGO that has been working with formerly abducted children and their families since 1998, and was funded by a National Science Foundation Grant.

The resultant research combines emerging work in economics on the lasting effects of shocks with a mental health literature on war-affected youth. In particular, it examines the disaggregated impact of different types of direct and indirect exposure to violence on changes in behavioral parameters, such as risk attitudes, and on economic welfare post-conflict.

Fieldwork experience: 6/18/10 – 7/20/10; 6/26/2013 – 8/17/2013.

If you are interested in the project ot in thinking about risk and rehabilitation in post-conflict areas, in Northern Uganda, or just curious, please send me an e-mail: