E-mail: mrockmo1@gmail.com
My research focuses on:
Microeconomics of conflict
Measurement of exposure
Conflict, nutrition and health
Illicit behavior by politicians
Foregone growth
Distortions to public sector
Effects of shocks
Anthropometric and Mental Health
This agenda has been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the International Growth Center (IGC) and has appeared in leading journals and conferences.
I am a Senior Economist at the GAO in the International Affairs and Trade Division (IAT). Note that my research does not necessarily reflect the views of the GAO nor of the Federal Government. Rather this should be interpreted as my own research.
Prior to this, I was a visiting Assistant Professor at Bowdoin College, and an Assistant Professor at Clark University. I completed my PhD at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University and worked at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Urban Institute (UI).
I can be reached at mrockmo1@gmail.com