Data Scholar Levels

In order to advance, the activities for each level has to be completed. Some activities are completed via the Open Learning Initiative (OLI) courses (

The participation activities are voluntarily and are not necessarily towards an academic credential or college degree.

Aspiring Data Scholar

  • Completion of Data Challenges Training

  • Metacognitive Activities

  • CITI Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) courses

  • Construction and annotation of data sets

  • Design and implement interactive visual representations

  • Annotation exercises

  • Learning to Learn Online (OLI)

  • Student Cognition Toolbox

Level 1 Data Scholar

  • Argument Diagramming (OLI)

  • Principles of Computing (OLI)

  • Quantifying Data (OLI)

  • Introduction to visual design (OLI)

  • Construction and annotation of data sets

  • Design and implement interactive visual representations

  • Annotation exercises

Level 2 Data Scholar

  • Probability & Statistics (OLI)

  • Internship or research

  • Construction and annotation of data sets

  • Design and implement interactive visual representations

  • Annotation exercises

Level 3 Data Scholar

  • Evidence based practice in management and consulting (OLI)

  • Public Policy Analysis (OLI)

  • Internship or research

  • Content Type Annotation and Extraction

  • Construction and annotation of data sets

  • Design and implement interactive visual representations

  • Annotation exercises

Level 4 Data Scholar

  • Media programming (OLI)

  • Independent research

  • Logics and Proofs (OLI)

  • Cloud Computing (OLI)

  • Healthcare IT Foundations

  • Construction and annotation of data sets

  • Design and implement interactive visual representations

  • Annotation exercises