
  • Transdisciplinary: Functional synthesis of methodologies and a broad point of view that combines different fields. This is a step beyond interdisciplinary, which borrows techniques from different fields without integrating them to yield new concepts and approaches. (For more information, click on this link)

  • Cognitive Expertise: Subject Matter, Situational Context, Interface Tools, Expert Identification, Communication, Information Flow Path. (For more information, click on this link)

  • Data Challenges: Data Flow, Data Curation, and Data Analytics. (For more information, click on this link)

  • Leadership: Social Responsibility, Innovation, Self-Management, Task Management and Justice Orientation. (For more information, click on this link)

  • Transdisciplinary Data: Data is born connected across the discipline boundaries and beyond academia to address societal needs. (For more information, click on this link)