Class Expectations

Welcome to 7th grade Language Arts! Get ready for a fantastic year with our fun but rigorous ELA program. I am so excited for our reading and writing journey this year. It will be wonderful to connect and share our reading and writing experiences. My co-teachers and I look forward to motivating and inspiring our students to try new experiences during their year in 7th grade. Our goal is to help students to grow as readers and writers, to improve the ability to communicate effectively and think critically. There will be many new skills and abilities for them to learn and conquer this year. Hopefully, students will not only gain valuable skills but will also develop a love of reading and writing. We hope to show each student their unique strengths as a reader and writer so students understand how they can make a difference in not only their learning, but also their future.

I am here to help your child succeed and prepare for their future by acquiring good academic skills and work ethics. Each student needs to understand that next year will be even more demanding and they need to start forming good habits now. With that being said, lets discover our strengths and make the best of this new school year!

Happy reading and writing!