Application and Registration

Q: Are "application" and "registration" the same thing?

No. You apply to attend a CUWiP conference (the one closest to you), and you are accepted, wait-listed or declined depending on your application and available slots. Application is free, and the deadline is October 14, 2016, midnight ET. After you have been accepted, you then register with the conference to which you have been accepted (you may be assigned to a different conference depending on the number of applications) to confirm that you will actually be attending.

Q: Do I need to be a physics major to apply?

No, you do not! However, priority will be given to undergraduate physics majors.

Q: If I attended last year, can I still attend this year’s conference?

Yes, you can! The conference for this year will be slightly different from last year, so we encourage you to apply for a second year. However, priority will be given to students who have not attended a CUWiP conference in the past.

Q: What if I cannot afford the $45 registration fee?

Students who cannot afford the registration fee can contact the APS at the time of registration to make an appeal to have the registration fee refunded. 

Q: Are all conference attendees required to present a poster?

No, it is entirely up to the individual student! If you would like to, we encourage you to indicate that during your registration process.

Q: Can I attend the CU Boulder CUWiP even though it is not my closest location/I am considering CU Boulder for grad school and would like to visit the school? 

Because of the high demand of students and travel costs of those who are not in our region, we will only be able to accept students who will be in the region at the time of the conference. This conference is not intended to be a graduate school visit.

Travel and Hotel

Q: Do I need to make housing plans after applying for the conference?

No, you do not! The host committee plans and reserves rooms for all the attendees. We also plan to pay for all meals during the conference, including lunches on Saturday and Sunday and a dinner on Saturday. The only plans you need to make are your individual travel plans from your home to University of Colorado.

Q: I am concerned about covering the cost of traveling from my home university to CU Boulder. Will there be any sort of reimbursement issued?

First, we expect all attendees to talk to their department head and see if the department can cover the cost of travel to the conference. However, if this is not an option, a reimbursement may be issued to the attendees for all reasonable and pre-approved expenses. Please save all receipts showing the cost of travel and we will make every effort to reimburse you. 

Q: Do I need to book my travel before registering?

No, but you should have an estimate of the cost. If you are traveling by air and your travel cost is not covered by your department, your airfare must be approved by the conference organizers before you book your travel. Due to the limited nature of our travel funds, we ask that you find the most economical means of transportation to and from the conference.  Only expenses that have been pre-approved by the conference organizing committee will be eligible for reimbursement.  

Q: Can I come late? Can I leave early? Can I skip things that I’m not interested in?

Because your travel costs are not generally reimbursable (see above for exceptions), it is expected that you will attend all of the conference events as scheduled. If you have special circumstances, please contact us to discuss them.

Attending the conference

Q: What if I have dietary restrictions?

We will request dietary restriction information on the registration form. If you believe your dietary needs are unusual, please contact us and we will work to accommodate you.

Q: What are the guidelines for posters and talks?

Students will have the option to present their research at a poster session. Please see the Information for Attendees for more information.

Q: What is the expected attire for the conference?

The dress attire for this conference including reception and dinner is business casual. Keep in mind that there will be a decent amount of walking, so plan on wearing comfortable shoes!

Q: Will there be resources available for attendees with disabilities?

We are working with CU Boulder's Disabilities Services to provide support for attendees with special needs.  We will request information on disability status on the registration form.  Please contact us in advance if you have unusual requirements, and we will work to accommodate you.  

Q: I am traveling with a dependent, will there be child care available?  

If you are traveling with a dependent, please contact us ahead of time and we will provide information on the available child care options


Q: When will I get reimbursed for travel?

After the conference, you can submit the reimbursement form that will be provided to you. Reimbursement will be mailed to you within the month. For more details please contact us.