Livestock Guide

Helpful information for students who plan to exhibit or raise livestock. 

Please keep in mind this is a guide, this does not mean that you should always follow this exact layout for every animal. Some animals require more or less attention or a more complex feeding plan. There are new items coming out all the time so some things will change as newer/better products become available. Raising show stock and raising production animals are not quite the same so use this as a point of information but still speak with your mentor to get the best plan of care for your animal(s).
High School FFA Animal Project Guide

Many shows no longer allow drenching. The "no drench" rule led to the creation to a lot of pastes. Administering pastes can still look bad to a bystander who does not understand what you are doing so now shows often say "no drenching or pasting." Many of these pastes are very beneficial to the animals health so below are some tricks you can use to be sure your animal is at it's best. 

Borrowing Equipment

If you borrow equipment from the chapter please treat it with respect. These items are not cheap and while they are here for you to use we are not required to provide them for you. If you cannot treat items with the respect they deserve and help care for them properly so they last us several years they will not be available for you to use in the future. 

For example: 

Do not KICK the dryer switches off and on, this is the main cause of the switches going out. 

Do not shear/clip a dirty animal as this damages the blades. 

Do not leave items out in the weather. 

Do not wrap cords so tight that you break wires. 

the list goes on but you get the point. Just because the money to buy the items didn't come out of your pocket doesn't mean you should abuse the items. 

Just another example of properly caring for equipment. The clippers were returned to me in the condition shown in the picture on the left. Clippers should be returned to the box as shown on the right when you are finished with them to help preserve their longevity. 

Medication Withdrawal Times 


Premise ID and Oklahoma Farm Tax Exemption

Anyone with livestock should obtain a Premise ID number, this is used by USDA to essentially link your physical address to the livestock that live there or may have lived there in the past. This is primarily used in the event that we have an outbreak of a contagious illness. 

Premise ID links:


Oklahoma Farm Tax Exemption can be used for any farm purchase. This does not apply to dog food, cat food, bird seed, or things of that sort but it will apply to fencing material, feed troughs, cattle feed, sheep feed, pig feed, goat feed, many medications and more. 

Oklahoma Farm Tax Exemption links: 

If you apply as an FFA member you will need to open the doc below, edit it to include your name and then upload it to OKTAP when you apply. 

FarmTax Id