Mrs. Brown

Here is a little bit about me!

Hello, my name is Mrs. Brown and I am very excited to be your 6th grade teacher this year. I have been a teacher for 8 years and in education for 14 years. I have taught sixth grade, fifth grade, and second grade! I have a bachelor of science degree in Natural Resource Management from Colorado State University and a Masters degree in Education from Sierra Nevada College.

I grew up in Michigan, but moved to Colorado for college. I have lived all over the world including Australia, Scotland, South Korea, and California, but decided that Colorado was the place for me! My husband and I have two boys, Cooper, 16 years old and Dylan, 13 years old. Our family also includes a little yellow lab mix named Cienna, 2 years old.

My favorite thing to do is to be outside. My family and I love to ski, hike, and run! I have run many marathons including the Boston Marathon twice. This last summer I ran a trail marathon in South Africa unsupported amongst some of the most dangerous animals! I love to travel and try to explore different countries whenever I get a chance. When I am not outside or exploring the world you will find me at home reading, playing with my dog, or playing board games with my kids!

Teaching is my number one passion in life and helping all my students reach their full potential is my top priority. It is very important to me that all my students feel successful, safe, and loved every single day in my classroom. I want to work together as a team to make sure your child is successful this year, so please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.