7th Grade South America Inquiry

Where to Start:

1. Start with a broad search using current news/events and books.

2. Look over headlines to find a topic of interest

3. Skim article and begin asking questions

4. Identify key words to use to continue a search for information


News sites:

US News: https://www.usnews.com/topics/locations/south_america

CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/south-america/

AP News: https://www.apnews.com/SouthAmerica

Key Words: Identify words that are key in your question. type words such as Sustainable Fishing and "South America". This will get you better results than typing in a quesiton.

Be a Smart Researcher. Use a database: researchitct.org . Use help from professionals while researching. A database is created for you so you can spend less time evaluating the source.


ResearchITCT.org - select for Middle Schools.

Use One Search for topics such as rainforest deforestation or use Explora

Topic Ideas and Research Starters:

Sustainable Fishing

World Fishing Book (in LMC) with online access http://overfishing.org/pages/what_is_overfishing.php

Government Issues

Venezuela https://www.apnews.com/Venezuela

use Explora in ResearchITCT.org - limit results to 2017-2019