
Lunch and After School Support - Academic and Behavior - 23-24.rtf

Help! I don't really understand how to do my assignment.

Help! I was absent and need to find out what I missed.

Remember - thanks to modern technology, we have many methods of communication.  If an absence is unavoidable, it is highly recommended that you follow along online and keep up with your work as best as you can.  Don't wait until you get back to class to find out what you missed. By that time, you will be behind and catching up, while not impossible, will be more diffucult and stressful.

Help! I got behind on my classwork and now I'm totally overwhelmed.

Help! I want to improve my grade(s), but I don't know how.

Remember, YOU earn your grade THROUGHOUT the semester - not just at the end. Every point counts. While you may WANT a higher grade, you can only EARN one by improving your scores on participation, practice work, and assessments. 

Please do not ask your teacher for extra credit or bonus points to help boost your overall grade. This leads to grade inflation and is unfair to the students who truly earned higher grades.

Here are some tips for how you can EARN a higher grade:

Past Work

Current Work

Still unhappy with your grade?

Ask yourself this, did you do everything you could possibly do both  in and out of class? 

If the answer is YES, then you should be proud of the grade you earned because you gave your best effort.  Each student has different strengths and weaknesses, and each of you learn at different rates.  Not all students will earn As.

If the answer is NO, then you need to identify where you can put in more effort and do that in the future.

Help! I think my teacher messed up my grades

Errors DO happen.  Teachers are collecting, scoring, and manually entering hundreds of grades at a time (along with late work), so mistakes can happen from time to time.  Such errors can be easily fixed, but you need to handle the situation appropriately with courtesy and respect.

Follow these steps to remedy a mistake:

Help! I'm having issues with technology.

Use your Clever login whenever possible. If supplementary sites allow you to login with Clever or Google, choose that option instead of creating your own account or using an alternate username and password.

Help! I need social and emotional support.

Hang in there! ASI can help! Here is a link to our ASI student resources page.