Click on the button (left) to begin the process of ordering a low-cost Ferritin Blood Test.
Once on the website, enter FERRITIN TEST in the search box
Select the first option, FERRITIN
Once in your shopping cart, add the promotion code ULTA0615, click the GREEN BUTTON to approve the code, then press CONTINUE
If this is the first time purchasing a test from this site, you'll need to press the SIGN UP NOW button. If you have had a test from this site before then press SECURE SIGN IN
If you are creating a new account, register yourself using your email and then press the ADD PATIENT INFO button and complete as prompted
Once taken to the next screen, press the SELECT PATIENT SERVICE CENTER button. Then choose a local service center where you'd like your blood to be drawn. Dedicated testing facilities are faster.
Once you've chosen your location, you will be taken to the PAYMENT INFORMATION page.
Once you've submitted your payment, and checkout is finalized, you will receive an email with the details of your purchase.
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